Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What's something really romantic that I can do for the gal?

I've picked wild flowers, I've writted love notes, I've made origami with little notes inside, but she still won't call me back! jk, lol. I'm looking for super sweet things to do for my girlfriend to show her that she means so much to me. Any ideas?

What's something really romantic that I can do for the gal?
its really sweet of u to want to do something specail for her like this

make a list of "101 things I love about you" and write them out on little bits of paper, fold them nicely and put them in a pretty gift box, and leave it somewhere she will find it
Reply:get a card, nothing mushy, try something like a card that says you make my day or something silly. mail it to her. before you do, write on the envelope a bunch of sweet things that only the 2 of you will understand ( like inside jokes ) as well as nice things that might make her blush when she realizes that others have read it also..

i have done this and it worked out really well! she was glowing like i had never seen a girl glow before...

don't be afraid to use the inside of the sealing part of the envelope to, good spot to put something a li'l more personal!!
Reply:Well, for a g!rl like me.....I would like for a guy to take me to the beach.... but at night.. with candles around where we are going to sit down and relax.. maybe look at the moon and stars...then add dinner and champaine.... but before you take her, when you go pick her up.. give her dozen of roses...and if you already have sex well maybe added there holla back at me. try it
Reply:Have a look on unique and different and really romantic
Reply:umm i mean it seems that you have tried everything. maybe do something that you personally think of i mean it's easy to do what the movies do but maybe you should just think of something that maybe you would like to be done to you and then just turn it back to her. i mean it all depends but i know that you can think of somehting i mean expecatlly if you really like her.

hope that helped
Reply:first observe that what she like?what she expect from yo then you will get your answer
Reply:cook dinner for you and her :)
Reply:nut in her face

what a total pansy you are
Reply:buy her victoria secret
Reply:I guess this would depend on a couple of are you? Are you looking to spend money or something free?
Reply:Cook her dinner by candlelight. Women absolutely love that. Even better, if you live by the beach you could set it up on the beach.
Reply:I love Sunday mornings in bed just cuddling and talking and playing. Play usually leads to other things. ;) Breakfast in bed would be perfect.
Reply:You could try buying her some bath oils and massage oils. I know I enjoy taking a long soak in the tub with scented oils. Light some candles around the tub, fill it up and add a scent that you think she would find relaxing.

Once she gets out of the tub, have her dry off and then give her a super massage with good massage oils. It will take the tension out of her day and relax her for the night to come. It could be a great thing for both of you!
Reply:Send a love note with Anthrax.
Reply:take her for a romantic getaway

riding boots

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