Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I am getting married...fiancee wants camouflage in the tux ...what to do??

I want to look cinderella.... i want a western theme ...i am fine with him wanting camoflage but he wants his vest to be camouflage! It's his wedding too! were doing the whole boots and hat for him ...just not sure what to do with the camoflauge! I want my colors to be pink and maybe yellow with wild flowers.

I am getting married...fiancee wants camouflage in the tux ...what to do??
Well maybe let him wear the camo vest then and try to color coordinate your dress. They have camo's with pinks in them now! Or maybe you could wear a green dress or something to blend with his camo! Best of luck, don't know what else to tell you!! Congrats!!
Reply:Has he found a camo vest? If not, you don't have an issue (yet). Tell him you'd like to see what he has in mind. If he's like most men and their wedding attire, he'll forget unless reminded and you'll be able to reserve for him what you want him to wear.

Now if he's seen it already, that's another story. You say YOU want to look like cinderella snd YOU want a western theme....that's 2 you's to one a compromise is in order. Perhaps drop the western boots and hat for him if he's not as into those as the camo vest...ask him to choose one.
Reply:Okay I'm gonna throw this out for all you brides who say 'It's my day "....and insist on your dream wedding.

Why do you get your dream but the groom can't.

Isn't it his day too...isn't it his wedding as well.

Takes two peole to get married...why can't the guy have any input...just because he's the guy and guy's don't care...

You'd be suprised on how many guys care.

So, since on occasion some have taken me to task over my questioning certain 'themes' for weddings...where is the difference here...the bride can have her dream but the groom gets no input.....

So if the bride wants to dress like a princess she should be able to...and if the groom wants to look like G.I. Joe meets Beau Brummel then he has that right to.

So dear, I commend you mightily for considering it...many would scream, stamp their feet, shake their curls and cry that the groom is trying to ruin her day by ruining the 'look' of the if he's an accessory or part of the decor...

Camo would be interesting in a can get camo in grays %26amp; blacks%26amp; browns- it's neutral and if he wears a black , charcoal gray,or dark brown suit/tux then there shouldn't be a problem....with a white, gray or black cowboy hat and a fancy string or lariet tie it could be kinda cool.....the ushers could wear a vest in one of the colors in the camo vest as long as they wear the same color suit.

Who could start a trend! Good Luck!

...and he'll love ya for it, Toots!
Reply:oh wow... get him camo boxers... or compromise and say you will wear a camo outfit that night lol.
Reply:Oh man LOL Your poor future hubby just doesn't get it LOL That's like my fiance wanting to do the wedding in black, red, and white...Heat colors. I told him he was crazy.

Camouflage just doesn't go with your colors or theme at all unless he's doing the brown camouflage...nope even then it wouldn't look right. I would ask him to reconsider honestly. Or, I would change your colors to fit his vest...ask him to do the brown vest and you can do shades of beige at your wedding.
Reply:Tell him that the only way you would feel comfortable is that the camo be in pink! LOL I would do that to my fiancee and then I would get my way cause he would rather be seen in what I want than in pink anything!
Reply:I would suggest that he do the camouflage on the top of his boots. That way he'll have it but it won't be seen. You could even make some inserts that folded over the boots out of camouflage material for him.
Reply:I can't be of any help here. I think the whole camo thing in weddings is ridiculous.
Reply:I knew someone that had a similar problem. He wanted his vest to be the rebel dixie flag. They compromised where he wore a handkerchief in his back pocket instead. When they joined at the alter and had their backs turned to us everyone got a huge laugh out of it.
Reply:Coming from a woman...I've actually seen a wedding with the camo vest, and believe it or not, it doesn't look like white trash! Just like any other's mostly covered with the jacket! Go for it, any one who will be there should know enough about your fiancee, to know that's his style, if they don't like it...too bad! Go to the shop, let him try one on, with you there, see what you think about it, once you've seen it!
Reply:maybe bargain with him to just make his tie camouflage? or maybe his handkerchief that goes in his coat pocket?
Reply:Well I agree it is his wedding too, you should almost feel good about this, cause he is asking in his own way to be involved. YES you can get camo vests, and really how much of it are you really going to see anyway. You can look beautiful like CINDERELLA even if he has a camo vest! Your committing to this man and he wants to have his wedding day to, It all starts right here with some compromise. Is it really that big of a deal? Hope you make the right choice!!!!!
Reply:how about camo flowers on his lapel?

idk if thats too girlie or but its an idea.
Reply:keep in mind that this is HIS wedding too, not just yours
Reply:sorry but its your wedding, tell him that hes the man and he doesnt get to make a choice in the outfits. camo in the outfit is going to look a little hickish to me.

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