Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I need advice from women over 40 please?

I met a woman who is 52 and im 46. at first the sex was the best i had ever had. then after we got a palce to live she decided that this relationship was based on sex not love and set out to change it. first the wild no hold barred sex is gone. 2nd i am now being told that she will no longer give me oral as my semen has a strong odor. 3rd when we do have sex she tells me that she is doing what i require her do do. now let me explain. i drive a truck and im gone for 3-4 wks at a time. so when i get home im horney. the last time i was home the first nite we had sex the next 2 cuddled and watch tv and the last made love again and this still was not good enough. she also likes to come to bed with a nightshirt and no panties on and of course i get turned on. and if i give her a back rub and get turned on and want sex im wrong. i have tried romance, like flowers, cards etc... and ever have tried holding her close and kissing but it just makes her mad, what do i do

I need advice from women over 40 please?
She used sex to get you and now that she has the real woman has come out, women do this all the time...
Reply:Tell her what you want . If she can't be reasonable, leave. You'll soon be back to the pre live in sex
Reply:It is really difficult to keep a long-distance (3-4 wks) relationship going. This romance sounds over to me. Sorry to break the bad news.


im not 40
Reply:im 43 and female, menopause sounds like the problem. find someone else, even if its casual sex.
Reply:You poor man.
Reply:She's 52, i have one word for you - MENOPAUSE. She's just the right age for it. Also, once the no holds barred sex has gone, it has gone. That happens to everyone. After that, it has to be a committed relationship or hit the road Jack. What is wrong with oral minus the semen. She could start, you could finish if you know what I mean.

Sounds to me though that she just reallly isn't that into you. Sorry

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