I live in upstate NY around Albany, I want to plant some type of a thorney/privacy against intruders type hedge..It will be in full sun with decent drainage. I really don't care if it flowers, just as long as it grows fast and continues year after year, it will be left to grow wild...Thanks for all your help!!
Want to plant a thorney hedge row?
Berberis or chaenomeles (flowering quince) are other thorny tough choices.
Reply:What zone are you? 4, 5, 6? This determines what will grow.
I'm thinking some shrub roses like Harrison's Yellow or it's cousin Austrian Copper rose.
How about blackberries?
Maybe a barberry will grow up there tho the thorns aren't that long, it is still uncomfortable to pass through
I think Hawthorn trees and Pyracanth shrubs won't take your cold temps.
Actually a privet hedge is pretty darn hard to climb through if maintained. Allowing it to grow wild results in the plants becoming more tree like, that is naked at the bottom.
Reply:rose bushes or stalks they are preannuals which means that the grow back after the winter and they pretty much grow anywhere but you have to trinthem a little every once in a while so they grow even more use curved cutting shears and cut at an angle
best of luck
Monday, January 30, 2012
Taking pictures without going broke.?
I would like to start taking pictures of plants and animals at close up range. Dew drops on flowers, dragon flies on branch, wild flowers in the woods type pictures. Need to know what type of simple set up I can get, to get me started other than my 5.1 megapixel digital cannon. Is there a camera that I can buy with attachments to start this project without having to spend thousands. Would like to stay digital for downloading purposes. Thanks
Taking pictures without going broke.?
I don't know what you mean by "attachments" so I won't address that now. However, Canon has a nice little camera that goes for $308 and it looks like a SLR (but does NOT have interchangealbe lens capacity) and it's lens is 12X. Check it out at www.beachcamera.com and also see what the price is for the SD memory card, which you can also compare with tigerdirect.com and with newegg.com for the lowest prices (look for Scandisk Ultra II).
If you want something with interchangeable lens capacity at a relatively good price, consider getting the used Nikon D70S with the kit lens at a VERY reasonable price at www.keh.com or at www.bhphotovideo.com and see what you can find.
Alternatively, if you're want something a bit better (10 mp), consider the Nikon D80 with the Nikkor 18-135mm AF DX "G" lens which will cost you $1,170 at www.beachcamera.com
I believe that the Canon 30D approximates the Nikon D80 in features, but you'll have to speak with someone more familiar with Canon gear to confirm this if you wish to stay with the Canon brand; also check with www.beachcamera.com or with www.bhphotovideo.com for best prices.
Reply:can you sell your canon for a better canon?
the dragonflies on a branch pix sounds gorgeous...
i have a casio exilim..and just took pix of butterfly on flower..that was really pretty...prettier than i expected.
Reply:Hello. I tried taking macro shots with a Canon A520, but no matter how I did it they didn't come through well. Recently I bought a Panasonic DMC LZ4, and that baby took my coin shots really well. So if it can do that, I'm sure it'll do well. I did take some shots of daffodils and such, but I really needed a mini tripod, a plastic sheet and such to get down on my belly to do it. Just fooling around I did some jelly beans shots, and they came out so nice and clear. I've also just gotten a Kodak Z612 (6mp and 12x zoom optical), and I imagine I'll be able to do well with it also. You could get you a wide angle adapter and the connector for it to fit. You could do some nice shots that way. So if you want to do close ups, do yourself a favor and get a mini tripod (like Velbon's DF-10ML... or even the OSN mini tripod at Walmart). They have the ability to go from 10/12" to 25" and splay their legs. Remember that you MUST turn off your flash when at close range. Hope this helps.
Reply:Depends on the model of digital Cannon camera you have, check the site below. It's the Cannon site and it will have a list of where to buy the attachments if any for your camera.
Reply:Your camera may have a 'macro' mode. If so, try it.
If that doesn't get close enough to satisfy you, get a digital SLR such as the Canon Rebel series and attachments that help you shoot macro photos. Always use a tripod for macro shots.
A dedicated macro lens is the highest quality option, but is expensive. A cheaper but still high quality option is to get a set of extension tubes and use them with your normal lenses. Extension tubes go between the camera and the lens to make the lens focus (much) closer. Don't get 'diopter' close-up filters, they are way too soft and give poor results.
Your extension tubes don't need to be the same brand as your camera, because extension tubes contain no glass. Any known brand will do, just don't get a brand you have never heard of. I do most of my macro shooting with a Canon digital SRL and Canon 24-85 or 70 -200 zooms. I use Kenko brand tubes and am very happy with them.
(I'm the Educational Coordinator for my camera club...)
Reply:Just contact me. You have 90% in your hand, only 10% needed, to spend time and if you like to pay, pay some money to me.
For that mail @ vapvk@yahoo.com
What are some of the best hotels
Taking pictures without going broke.?
I don't know what you mean by "attachments" so I won't address that now. However, Canon has a nice little camera that goes for $308 and it looks like a SLR (but does NOT have interchangealbe lens capacity) and it's lens is 12X. Check it out at www.beachcamera.com and also see what the price is for the SD memory card, which you can also compare with tigerdirect.com and with newegg.com for the lowest prices (look for Scandisk Ultra II).
If you want something with interchangeable lens capacity at a relatively good price, consider getting the used Nikon D70S with the kit lens at a VERY reasonable price at www.keh.com or at www.bhphotovideo.com and see what you can find.
Alternatively, if you're want something a bit better (10 mp), consider the Nikon D80 with the Nikkor 18-135mm AF DX "G" lens which will cost you $1,170 at www.beachcamera.com
I believe that the Canon 30D approximates the Nikon D80 in features, but you'll have to speak with someone more familiar with Canon gear to confirm this if you wish to stay with the Canon brand; also check with www.beachcamera.com or with www.bhphotovideo.com for best prices.
Reply:can you sell your canon for a better canon?
the dragonflies on a branch pix sounds gorgeous...
i have a casio exilim..and just took pix of butterfly on flower..that was really pretty...prettier than i expected.
Reply:Hello. I tried taking macro shots with a Canon A520, but no matter how I did it they didn't come through well. Recently I bought a Panasonic DMC LZ4, and that baby took my coin shots really well. So if it can do that, I'm sure it'll do well. I did take some shots of daffodils and such, but I really needed a mini tripod, a plastic sheet and such to get down on my belly to do it. Just fooling around I did some jelly beans shots, and they came out so nice and clear. I've also just gotten a Kodak Z612 (6mp and 12x zoom optical), and I imagine I'll be able to do well with it also. You could get you a wide angle adapter and the connector for it to fit. You could do some nice shots that way. So if you want to do close ups, do yourself a favor and get a mini tripod (like Velbon's DF-10ML... or even the OSN mini tripod at Walmart). They have the ability to go from 10/12" to 25" and splay their legs. Remember that you MUST turn off your flash when at close range. Hope this helps.
Reply:Depends on the model of digital Cannon camera you have, check the site below. It's the Cannon site and it will have a list of where to buy the attachments if any for your camera.
Reply:Your camera may have a 'macro' mode. If so, try it.
If that doesn't get close enough to satisfy you, get a digital SLR such as the Canon Rebel series and attachments that help you shoot macro photos. Always use a tripod for macro shots.
A dedicated macro lens is the highest quality option, but is expensive. A cheaper but still high quality option is to get a set of extension tubes and use them with your normal lenses. Extension tubes go between the camera and the lens to make the lens focus (much) closer. Don't get 'diopter' close-up filters, they are way too soft and give poor results.
Your extension tubes don't need to be the same brand as your camera, because extension tubes contain no glass. Any known brand will do, just don't get a brand you have never heard of. I do most of my macro shooting with a Canon digital SRL and Canon 24-85 or 70 -200 zooms. I use Kenko brand tubes and am very happy with them.
(I'm the Educational Coordinator for my camera club...)
Reply:Just contact me. You have 90% in your hand, only 10% needed, to spend time and if you like to pay, pay some money to me.
For that mail @ vapvk@yahoo.com
What are some of the best hotels
wild flowers
What do flowers signify to you?
If red roses signify maturity in romance, I would rather have a daisy chain. Roses are easily purchased full of thorns and not worth the wait. A daisy chain is picked made with intricate effort, thought, deliberate meaning and placed around the neck sensuously signifying simplicity and response of feeling. Give me the immature response every time.
Now wild roses are another subject.
What do flowers signify to you?
i dont care i know some gardeners hate them but i love sweet peas, so are so nice!! in fact perfect!! oh and by the way im in my 20's so there they still smell divine!!
Reply:A guilty conscience!
Reply:ACACIA - Concealed Love, Beauty in Retirement, Chaste Love
AMBROSIA - Your Love is Reciprocated
AMARYLLIS - Pride, Pastoral Poetry
ANEMONE - Forsaken
ARBUTUS - Thee Only Do I Love
ASTER - Symbol of Love, Daintiness
AZALEA - Take Care of Yourself for Me, Temperance, Fragile Passion, Chinese Symbol of Womanhood
BACHELOR BUTTON - Single Blessedness
BEGONIA - Beware
BLUEBELL - Humility
CACTUS - Endurance
CAMELLIA (PINK) - Longing for you
CAMELLIA (RED) - You're a Flame in My Heart
CAMELLIA (WHITE) - You're Adorable
CARNATION (GENERAL) - Fascination, Woman Love
CARNATION (PINK) - I'll Never Forget You
CARNATION (RED) - My Heart Aches For You, Admiration
CARNATION (PURPLE) - Capriciousness
CARNATION (STRIPED) - No, Refusal, Sorry I Can't Be With You, Wish I Could Be With You
CARNATION (WHITE) - Sweet and Lovely, Innocence, Pure Love, Woman's Good Luck Gift
CARNATION (YELLOW) - You Have Disappointed Me, Rejection
CATTAIL - Peace, Prosperity
CHRYSANTHEMUM (GENERAL) - You're a Wonderful Friend, Cheerfulness and Rest.
CROCUS - Cheerfulness
CYCLAMEN - Resignation and Good-bye
DAFFODIL - Regard, Unrequited Love, You're the Only One, The Sun is Always Shining when I'm with You
DAISY - Innocence, Loyal Love, I'll Never Tell, Purity
DANDELION - Faithfulness, Happiness
FERN - Magic, Fascination, Confidence and Shelter
FIR - Time
FLAX - Domestic Symbol
FORGET-ME-NOT - True Love, Memories
FORSYTHIA - Anticipation
GARDENIA - You're Lovely, Secret Love
GERANIUM - Stupidity, Folly
GLADIOLI - Give Me a Break, I'm Really Sincere, Flower of the Gladiators
GLOXINIA - Love at First Sight
HEATHER (LAVENDER) - Admiration, Solitude
HEATHER (WHITE) - Protection, Wishes Will Come True
HOLLY - Defense, Domestic Happiness
HYACINTH (GENERAL) - Games and Sports, Rashness, Flower Dedicated to Apollo
HYACINTH (BLUE) - Constancy
HYACINTH (PURPLE) - I am Sorry, Please Forgive Me, Sorrow
HYACINTH (WHITE) - Loveliness, I'll Pray for You
HYDRANGEA - Thank You for Understanding, Frigidity, Heartlessness
IRIS - Fleur-de-lis, Emblem of France, Your Friendship Means so Much to Me, Faith, Hope, Wisdom and Valor, My Compliments
IVY - Wedded Love, Fidelity, Friendship, Affection
JONQUIL - Love Me, Affection Returned, Desire, Sympathy, Desire for Affection Returned
LARKSPUR (PINK) - Fickleness
LILY (WHITE) - Virginity, Purity, Majesty, It's Heavenly to be with You
LILY (YELLOW) - I'm Walking on Air, False and Gay
LILY (CALLA) - Beauty
LILY (DAY) - Coquetry, Chinese Emblem for Mother
LILY (EUCHARIS) - Maiden Charms
LILY (TIGER) - Wealth, Pride
LILY OF THE VALLEY - Sweetness, Tears of the Virgin Mary, Return to Happiness, Humility, You've Made My Life Complete
MAGNOLIA - Nobility
MARIGOLD - Cruelty, Grief, Jealousy
MISTLETOE - Kiss me, Affection, To Surmount Difficulties, Sacred Plant of India
MONKSHOOD - Beware, A Deadly Foe is Near
MOSS - Maternal Love, Charity
MYRTLE - Love, Hebrew Emblem of Marriage
NARCISSUS - Egotism, Formality, Stay as Sweet as You Are
NASTURTIUM - Conquest, Victory in Battle
OLEANDER - Caution
ORANGE BLOSSOM - Innocence, Eternal Love, Marriage and Fruitfulness
ORCHID - Love, Beauty, Refinement, Beautiful Lady, Chinese Symbol for Many Children
ORCHID (CATTLEYA) - Mature Charm
PALM LEAVES - Victory and Success
PEONY - Shame, Happy Life, Happy Marriage
PETUNIA - Resentment, Anger, Your Presence Sooths Me
PINE - Hope, Pity
POPPY (GENERAL) - Eternal Sleep, Oblivion, Imagination
POPPY (RED) - Pleasure
POPPY (WHITE) - Consolation
POPPY (YELLOW) - Wealth, Success
PRIMROSE - I Can't Live Without You
PRIMROSE (EVENING) - Inconstancy
ROSE (BRIDAL) - Happy Love
ROSE (HIBISCUS) - Delicate Beauty
ROSE (LEAF) - You May Hope
ROSE (PINK) - Perfect Happiness, Please Believe Me
ROSE (RED) - Love, I Love You
ROSE (TEA) - I'll Remember Always
ROSE (THORNLESS) - Love at First Sight
ROSE (WHITE) - Innocence and Purity, I am Worthy of You, You're Heavenly, Secrecy and Silence
ROSE (WHITE AND RED MIXED) - Unity, Flower Emblem of England
ROSE (WHITE-DRIED) - Death is Preferable to Loss of Virtue
ROSE (YELLOW) - Decrease of Love, Jealousy, Try to Care
ROSEBUD - Beauty and Youth, A Heart Innocent of Love
ROSEBUD (RED) - Pure and Lovely
ROSEBUD (WHITE) - Girlhood
ROSEBUD (MOSS) - Confessions of Love
ROSES (Bouquet of Mature Blooms) - Gratitude
ROSES (Single Full Bloom) - I Love You, I Still Love You
SMILAX - Loveliness
SNAPDRAGON - Deception, Gracious Lady
SPIDER FLOWER - Elope with Me
STEPHANOTIS - Happiness in Marriage, Desire to Travel
STOCK - Bonds of Affection, Promptness, You'll Always Be Beautiful to Me
SWEETPEA - Good-bye, Departure, Blissful Pleasure, Thank You for a Lovely Time
TULIP (GENERAL) - Perfect Lover, Frame, Flower Emblem of Holland
TULIP (RED) - Believe Me, Declaration of Love
TULIP (VARIEGATED) - Beautiful Eyes
TULIP (YELLOW) - There's Sunshine in Your Smile
VIOLET - Modesty
VIOLET (BLUE) - Watchfulness, Faithfulness, I'll Always Be True
VIOLET (WHITE) - Let's Take a Chance
ZINNIA (MAGENTA) - Lasting Affection
ZINNIA (MIXED) - Thinking (or In Memory) of an Absent Friend
ZINNIA (SCARLET) - Constancy
ZINNIA (WHITE) - Goodness
ZINNIA (YELLOW) - Daily Remembrance
Reply:Yellow roses for jealousy - lillies for death - I could go on and on....
Reply:just read that lillies signify death - my hubby always buys me lillies - should i be worried !!!!!!!!!
Reply:Flowers represent love...not just in a romatic way, but a love for friendship and family. Like when someone gets sick you send them flowers, or someone dies you put flowers on their coffin. Just another way of saying that you care.
Now wild roses are another subject.
What do flowers signify to you?
i dont care i know some gardeners hate them but i love sweet peas, so are so nice!! in fact perfect!! oh and by the way im in my 20's so there they still smell divine!!
Reply:A guilty conscience!
Reply:ACACIA - Concealed Love, Beauty in Retirement, Chaste Love
AMBROSIA - Your Love is Reciprocated
AMARYLLIS - Pride, Pastoral Poetry
ANEMONE - Forsaken
ARBUTUS - Thee Only Do I Love
ASTER - Symbol of Love, Daintiness
AZALEA - Take Care of Yourself for Me, Temperance, Fragile Passion, Chinese Symbol of Womanhood
BACHELOR BUTTON - Single Blessedness
BEGONIA - Beware
BLUEBELL - Humility
CACTUS - Endurance
CAMELLIA (PINK) - Longing for you
CAMELLIA (RED) - You're a Flame in My Heart
CAMELLIA (WHITE) - You're Adorable
CARNATION (GENERAL) - Fascination, Woman Love
CARNATION (PINK) - I'll Never Forget You
CARNATION (RED) - My Heart Aches For You, Admiration
CARNATION (PURPLE) - Capriciousness
CARNATION (STRIPED) - No, Refusal, Sorry I Can't Be With You, Wish I Could Be With You
CARNATION (WHITE) - Sweet and Lovely, Innocence, Pure Love, Woman's Good Luck Gift
CARNATION (YELLOW) - You Have Disappointed Me, Rejection
CATTAIL - Peace, Prosperity
CHRYSANTHEMUM (GENERAL) - You're a Wonderful Friend, Cheerfulness and Rest.
CROCUS - Cheerfulness
CYCLAMEN - Resignation and Good-bye
DAFFODIL - Regard, Unrequited Love, You're the Only One, The Sun is Always Shining when I'm with You
DAISY - Innocence, Loyal Love, I'll Never Tell, Purity
DANDELION - Faithfulness, Happiness
FERN - Magic, Fascination, Confidence and Shelter
FIR - Time
FLAX - Domestic Symbol
FORGET-ME-NOT - True Love, Memories
FORSYTHIA - Anticipation
GARDENIA - You're Lovely, Secret Love
GERANIUM - Stupidity, Folly
GLADIOLI - Give Me a Break, I'm Really Sincere, Flower of the Gladiators
GLOXINIA - Love at First Sight
HEATHER (LAVENDER) - Admiration, Solitude
HEATHER (WHITE) - Protection, Wishes Will Come True
HOLLY - Defense, Domestic Happiness
HYACINTH (GENERAL) - Games and Sports, Rashness, Flower Dedicated to Apollo
HYACINTH (BLUE) - Constancy
HYACINTH (PURPLE) - I am Sorry, Please Forgive Me, Sorrow
HYACINTH (WHITE) - Loveliness, I'll Pray for You
HYDRANGEA - Thank You for Understanding, Frigidity, Heartlessness
IRIS - Fleur-de-lis, Emblem of France, Your Friendship Means so Much to Me, Faith, Hope, Wisdom and Valor, My Compliments
IVY - Wedded Love, Fidelity, Friendship, Affection
JONQUIL - Love Me, Affection Returned, Desire, Sympathy, Desire for Affection Returned
LARKSPUR (PINK) - Fickleness
LILY (WHITE) - Virginity, Purity, Majesty, It's Heavenly to be with You
LILY (YELLOW) - I'm Walking on Air, False and Gay
LILY (CALLA) - Beauty
LILY (DAY) - Coquetry, Chinese Emblem for Mother
LILY (EUCHARIS) - Maiden Charms
LILY (TIGER) - Wealth, Pride
LILY OF THE VALLEY - Sweetness, Tears of the Virgin Mary, Return to Happiness, Humility, You've Made My Life Complete
MAGNOLIA - Nobility
MARIGOLD - Cruelty, Grief, Jealousy
MISTLETOE - Kiss me, Affection, To Surmount Difficulties, Sacred Plant of India
MONKSHOOD - Beware, A Deadly Foe is Near
MOSS - Maternal Love, Charity
MYRTLE - Love, Hebrew Emblem of Marriage
NARCISSUS - Egotism, Formality, Stay as Sweet as You Are
NASTURTIUM - Conquest, Victory in Battle
OLEANDER - Caution
ORANGE BLOSSOM - Innocence, Eternal Love, Marriage and Fruitfulness
ORCHID - Love, Beauty, Refinement, Beautiful Lady, Chinese Symbol for Many Children
ORCHID (CATTLEYA) - Mature Charm
PALM LEAVES - Victory and Success
PEONY - Shame, Happy Life, Happy Marriage
PETUNIA - Resentment, Anger, Your Presence Sooths Me
PINE - Hope, Pity
POPPY (GENERAL) - Eternal Sleep, Oblivion, Imagination
POPPY (RED) - Pleasure
POPPY (WHITE) - Consolation
POPPY (YELLOW) - Wealth, Success
PRIMROSE - I Can't Live Without You
PRIMROSE (EVENING) - Inconstancy
ROSE (BRIDAL) - Happy Love
ROSE (HIBISCUS) - Delicate Beauty
ROSE (LEAF) - You May Hope
ROSE (PINK) - Perfect Happiness, Please Believe Me
ROSE (RED) - Love, I Love You
ROSE (TEA) - I'll Remember Always
ROSE (THORNLESS) - Love at First Sight
ROSE (WHITE) - Innocence and Purity, I am Worthy of You, You're Heavenly, Secrecy and Silence
ROSE (WHITE AND RED MIXED) - Unity, Flower Emblem of England
ROSE (WHITE-DRIED) - Death is Preferable to Loss of Virtue
ROSE (YELLOW) - Decrease of Love, Jealousy, Try to Care
ROSEBUD - Beauty and Youth, A Heart Innocent of Love
ROSEBUD (RED) - Pure and Lovely
ROSEBUD (WHITE) - Girlhood
ROSEBUD (MOSS) - Confessions of Love
ROSES (Bouquet of Mature Blooms) - Gratitude
ROSES (Single Full Bloom) - I Love You, I Still Love You
SMILAX - Loveliness
SNAPDRAGON - Deception, Gracious Lady
SPIDER FLOWER - Elope with Me
STEPHANOTIS - Happiness in Marriage, Desire to Travel
STOCK - Bonds of Affection, Promptness, You'll Always Be Beautiful to Me
SWEETPEA - Good-bye, Departure, Blissful Pleasure, Thank You for a Lovely Time
TULIP (GENERAL) - Perfect Lover, Frame, Flower Emblem of Holland
TULIP (RED) - Believe Me, Declaration of Love
TULIP (VARIEGATED) - Beautiful Eyes
TULIP (YELLOW) - There's Sunshine in Your Smile
VIOLET - Modesty
VIOLET (BLUE) - Watchfulness, Faithfulness, I'll Always Be True
VIOLET (WHITE) - Let's Take a Chance
ZINNIA (MAGENTA) - Lasting Affection
ZINNIA (MIXED) - Thinking (or In Memory) of an Absent Friend
ZINNIA (SCARLET) - Constancy
ZINNIA (WHITE) - Goodness
ZINNIA (YELLOW) - Daily Remembrance
Reply:Yellow roses for jealousy - lillies for death - I could go on and on....
Reply:just read that lillies signify death - my hubby always buys me lillies - should i be worried !!!!!!!!!
Reply:Flowers represent love...not just in a romatic way, but a love for friendship and family. Like when someone gets sick you send them flowers, or someone dies you put flowers on their coffin. Just another way of saying that you care.
wild flowers
Where can I find innovative interactive dog toys for the smart hyperactive dog?
Our dog is an australian and half german? (got her from the shelter). She's extremely hyperactive and does chew through the lesser toys. Loves the kongs, ropes, bones, and this super XL plush jack toy. We keep around 10 or so toys out and play with her several times a day, she's goes nuts in a large space full of wild vegetation / hideaways, . but alas, not enough! She still tends to have those tear up the flower bed moments! eek and still loves to bark at the neighbors, who look down on part of our property, their voices perhaps become distracting. Toy suggestions please?
Would love to get her a maze she can crawl through or a tetherball stand for dogs? (does this exist), or other unique extremely interactive toys besides the basic ones at your local petsmart.
Where can I find innovative interactive dog toys for the smart hyperactive dog?
You may want to enroll her in some type of agility class - she will burn lots of energy (physical and mental). Also, you need to rotate her toys - don't give her all 10 all the time, just 2 or 3 max and then put those away and give her 2 different ones the next day, etc. Buster cube is a good one to try.
Reply:Busy Buddy and Buster Cube toys are great, food-stuffable toys that will keep your dog busy for hours. When I leave my guy alone, I throw one or two in his crate and it keeps him from getting too worked up about being alone. Kong also makes toys like these that are very durable and good for a heavy chewer.
I think that perhaps an obedience or agility class might help with any extra nervous energy or tension. Shepards are natural working dogs, so it might help her if she can feel useful. Teaching a dog to "speak" and "quiet" on command may also help with the barking.
Reply:petco or premium pet products
Reply:Make sure she has plenty of exericise (at least an hour a day) and mental stimulation. You need to work her daily and teach her new things to keep her mind occupied (australian shepherds are incredibly bright). Sounds like she'd be great for agility or flyball.
Once you have that covered, I would never have survived my border collies adolesence without the tricky treat ball. It's a ball you put dog food into and they roll it around to get the food out. It will keep her occupied for at least half an hour.
The reason she tears up the flower bed and barks is because she's a dog, and she's bored and lonely. Put a fence around the flower bed, a citronella or shock collar will discourage barking, but really she should be inside with you. Is she outside all the time? that could be the root of your problem. Dogs need to be with their pack.
Reply:PetSmart actually recently started selling the tunnels they use in competitions (the ones where the dog runs through it) and a bunch of other things like that (I saw the tunnel in the weekly coupons PetSmart emails me). Your dog would probably love it. My dogs love water so I got a spinkler that attaches to the hose and rotates- they will run through it for hours.
Reply:There are toys that the dog has to roll and then a treat falls out, also you can put peanut butter inside the Kong's (takes quite awhile to lick out),try training her to skateboard like the little English Bulldog on the news does! Put out a small kiddie pool with some water in it and put a couple rubber rings under the water to try to get. These are all safe, self entertaining toys and activities. You might enjoy setting up a game course with weaving-bending poles and teach her to weave through this agility game course! Kyjen Dog-Agility Starter Kit
by Kyjen
She is so active I bet she would do it by herself after you train her how! Have fun!
Reply:try going to your local pet shop such as petco or petsmart...i am sure you can find the perfect toy for your pup.....
Reply:Toy is not a fix in this case. There are deeper reasons for this behavior.
Reply:you can make your own tetherball,take her for walks also on the TV dicover chanel he calls him self the Dog Wisper his show.has helped me he can befound on the web
Reply:Try agility. She'll love it. Even if you don't decide to compete, you can still buy a few jumps for your backyard and play lots of different games with her.
Also, there's this toy that you strap to a tree branch and your dog plays tug with. Looks like a workout! I don't have it, but it looks cute.
professional makeup
Would love to get her a maze she can crawl through or a tetherball stand for dogs? (does this exist), or other unique extremely interactive toys besides the basic ones at your local petsmart.
Where can I find innovative interactive dog toys for the smart hyperactive dog?
You may want to enroll her in some type of agility class - she will burn lots of energy (physical and mental). Also, you need to rotate her toys - don't give her all 10 all the time, just 2 or 3 max and then put those away and give her 2 different ones the next day, etc. Buster cube is a good one to try.
Reply:Busy Buddy and Buster Cube toys are great, food-stuffable toys that will keep your dog busy for hours. When I leave my guy alone, I throw one or two in his crate and it keeps him from getting too worked up about being alone. Kong also makes toys like these that are very durable and good for a heavy chewer.
I think that perhaps an obedience or agility class might help with any extra nervous energy or tension. Shepards are natural working dogs, so it might help her if she can feel useful. Teaching a dog to "speak" and "quiet" on command may also help with the barking.
Reply:petco or premium pet products
Reply:Make sure she has plenty of exericise (at least an hour a day) and mental stimulation. You need to work her daily and teach her new things to keep her mind occupied (australian shepherds are incredibly bright). Sounds like she'd be great for agility or flyball.
Once you have that covered, I would never have survived my border collies adolesence without the tricky treat ball. It's a ball you put dog food into and they roll it around to get the food out. It will keep her occupied for at least half an hour.
The reason she tears up the flower bed and barks is because she's a dog, and she's bored and lonely. Put a fence around the flower bed, a citronella or shock collar will discourage barking, but really she should be inside with you. Is she outside all the time? that could be the root of your problem. Dogs need to be with their pack.
Reply:PetSmart actually recently started selling the tunnels they use in competitions (the ones where the dog runs through it) and a bunch of other things like that (I saw the tunnel in the weekly coupons PetSmart emails me). Your dog would probably love it. My dogs love water so I got a spinkler that attaches to the hose and rotates- they will run through it for hours.
Reply:There are toys that the dog has to roll and then a treat falls out, also you can put peanut butter inside the Kong's (takes quite awhile to lick out),try training her to skateboard like the little English Bulldog on the news does! Put out a small kiddie pool with some water in it and put a couple rubber rings under the water to try to get. These are all safe, self entertaining toys and activities. You might enjoy setting up a game course with weaving-bending poles and teach her to weave through this agility game course! Kyjen Dog-Agility Starter Kit
by Kyjen
She is so active I bet she would do it by herself after you train her how! Have fun!
Reply:try going to your local pet shop such as petco or petsmart...i am sure you can find the perfect toy for your pup.....
Reply:Toy is not a fix in this case. There are deeper reasons for this behavior.
Reply:you can make your own tetherball,take her for walks also on the TV dicover chanel he calls him self the Dog Wisper his show.has helped me he can befound on the web
Reply:Try agility. She'll love it. Even if you don't decide to compete, you can still buy a few jumps for your backyard and play lots of different games with her.
Also, there's this toy that you strap to a tree branch and your dog plays tug with. Looks like a workout! I don't have it, but it looks cute.
wild flowers
If fruits have seeds in them them what are seedless fruits and cultivated fruits considered?
A fruit is the ripened ovary—together with seeds—of a flowering plant
Where do cultivated %26amp; seedless fruits come in at
example bananas in the wild have seeds in them while most bananas sold are cultivated and dont have seeds
Are they still a fruit as well as other fruits that dont have seeds because of cultivation or genect modification.
The defintion of fruits having seeds would exclude those right ?
If fruits have seeds in them them what are seedless fruits and cultivated fruits considered?
Still a fruit; no seeds due to genetic modification.
Reply:That is NOT the correct definition to start with. A fruit is a ripened ovary, period. Seeds come from ovules within the ovary. Whether a fruit has seeds or not does not change the fact that it is a fruit. Please be aware there is a lot of misinformation out there on the internet.
Reply:That is an excellent question.
They would be considered a "cultivar" of the parent variety and identified as such. So you might have a "Big Yellow" banana, cultivar an the cultivar would have something "different" ... in your example no seeds. It would remain a banana cultivar.
It is good to be curious and ask these questions.
BTW "Sandstorms_brother" has no clue what the hell he's talking about.
Reply:No, that does not exclude these. The Cavendish bananas sold commercially have undeveloped seeds, as do the so-called seedless watermelons. Those are the small dark specks near the center of the banana. There are very few bananas in the wild, unfortunately, which is leading to a rapid loss of genetic diversity. Many species of them have gone extinct in the last few decades.
Reply:Go ask your mother.
Reply:A "seedless fruit"
Where do cultivated %26amp; seedless fruits come in at
example bananas in the wild have seeds in them while most bananas sold are cultivated and dont have seeds
Are they still a fruit as well as other fruits that dont have seeds because of cultivation or genect modification.
The defintion of fruits having seeds would exclude those right ?
If fruits have seeds in them them what are seedless fruits and cultivated fruits considered?
Still a fruit; no seeds due to genetic modification.
Reply:That is NOT the correct definition to start with. A fruit is a ripened ovary, period. Seeds come from ovules within the ovary. Whether a fruit has seeds or not does not change the fact that it is a fruit. Please be aware there is a lot of misinformation out there on the internet.
Reply:That is an excellent question.
They would be considered a "cultivar" of the parent variety and identified as such. So you might have a "Big Yellow" banana, cultivar an the cultivar would have something "different" ... in your example no seeds. It would remain a banana cultivar.
It is good to be curious and ask these questions.
BTW "Sandstorms_brother" has no clue what the hell he's talking about.
Reply:No, that does not exclude these. The Cavendish bananas sold commercially have undeveloped seeds, as do the so-called seedless watermelons. Those are the small dark specks near the center of the banana. There are very few bananas in the wild, unfortunately, which is leading to a rapid loss of genetic diversity. Many species of them have gone extinct in the last few decades.
Reply:Go ask your mother.
Reply:A "seedless fruit"
wild flowers
Making a perfect town in Animal Crossing: Wild World - what am I missing?
So I finally got it to where I have enough trees and flowers (I'm fairly sure about this since I spent a good part of my day trying to get the too many and not enough tree messages to disappear) and Pelly praised me. Then the next day, they were talking about me missing a little something. Pelly says my place is "clean and decent" and her sister says something about it being hip and also missing something. (Both are not the response you're supposed to get if the world is perfect.) And weeds are not the problem. So what am I overlooking? How do I correct it and how long will it take, if applicable? (Would it have to do with talking to the people since it's been over 3 months since I've played this?
Making a perfect town in Animal Crossing: Wild World - what am I missing?
It probably has to do with not talking to villagers.Also, try planting more flowers.if it says you need more green then its trees you should plant.
choosing ice skates
Making a perfect town in Animal Crossing: Wild World - what am I missing?
It probably has to do with not talking to villagers.Also, try planting more flowers.if it says you need more green then its trees you should plant.
choosing ice skates
wild flowers
Best Hike in Colorado - front range area?
What is the best hike you've ever been on in Colorado? We live in Colorado Springs but we're willing to drive a few hours if the hiking is worth it .Probably our favorite hike was up to Lake Isabelle in the Brainerd Lake Rec Area near Ward, because of the wild flowers and beautiful lake. Thanks for any suggestions.
Best Hike in Colorado - front range area?
I think there are too many good ones to pick a best one! Since you live in Colorado Springs, my favorite one over there is the hike to St. Mary's Falls. (See the link in the source box for info. about St. Mary's Falls.)
Last weekend I hiked up to Lost Lake which is near, (but not inside), the Indian Peaks Wilderness. There were several waterfalls along the way and the lake itself was very nice too. If you're interested, the directions are: from Nederland, go south on highway 119 and turn right on County Road 130. Go through the town of Eldora and shortly after that, the road will turn to dirt. Keep going for a short ways until you reach the intersection for the "Hessie" and "4th of July" trailheads. Park there and take the left fork to the Hessie trailhead. Since this is just outside of the Indian Peaks Wilderness, you don't have to pay a fee to hike there. Have fun :-).
Best Hike in Colorado - front range area?
I think there are too many good ones to pick a best one! Since you live in Colorado Springs, my favorite one over there is the hike to St. Mary's Falls. (See the link in the source box for info. about St. Mary's Falls.)
Last weekend I hiked up to Lost Lake which is near, (but not inside), the Indian Peaks Wilderness. There were several waterfalls along the way and the lake itself was very nice too. If you're interested, the directions are: from Nederland, go south on highway 119 and turn right on County Road 130. Go through the town of Eldora and shortly after that, the road will turn to dirt. Keep going for a short ways until you reach the intersection for the "Hessie" and "4th of July" trailheads. Park there and take the left fork to the Hessie trailhead. Since this is just outside of the Indian Peaks Wilderness, you don't have to pay a fee to hike there. Have fun :-).
wild flowers
Cicada Killer Wasp?
Does anyone know if these wasps live in Minnesota?
Once when I visited family their, I was taking picture on a ridge with a bunch of wild flowers, and when I got back in my car a giant bee flew in and landed on the inside window. It sat there until I rolled it down then it flew out.
Does anyone know if these wasps, or other giant wasps (Like the Asian giant hornet live in or around Minnesota?
It wasn't a normal wasp it was about 1-2 inchs big.
Cicada Killer Wasp?
Reply:It may certainly have been a cicada killer wasp. They are very large, but are not aggressive. They "hunt" cicadas like the annual cicada and sting it which paralyzes it. They then take it to their nest which is under ground, and lay eggs on the paralyzed cicada. The eggs hatch and the young wasps feed on the cicada until they pupate and then become adult wasps themselves.
Pretty cool, huh?
Bug Doc
Once when I visited family their, I was taking picture on a ridge with a bunch of wild flowers, and when I got back in my car a giant bee flew in and landed on the inside window. It sat there until I rolled it down then it flew out.
Does anyone know if these wasps, or other giant wasps (Like the Asian giant hornet live in or around Minnesota?
It wasn't a normal wasp it was about 1-2 inchs big.
Cicada Killer Wasp?
Reply:It may certainly have been a cicada killer wasp. They are very large, but are not aggressive. They "hunt" cicadas like the annual cicada and sting it which paralyzes it. They then take it to their nest which is under ground, and lay eggs on the paralyzed cicada. The eggs hatch and the young wasps feed on the cicada until they pupate and then become adult wasps themselves.
Pretty cool, huh?
Bug Doc
wild flowers
Does anyone have any info on 18th Century artist 'Thomas Ryves'?
have an original watercolour by Thomas Ryves dated 1768, nr Dijon titled 'Wild Flowers'
Does anyone have any info on 18th Century artist 'Thomas Ryves'?
try this sight
In 1760 Thomas Ryves was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and Sciences and he exhibited some watercolours before the society. He also rebuilt Ranston Hall, giving it its present appearance
Reply:yeah, i know a few things.
his name was thomas ryves,
he made a watercolor painting in 178.
and it was called wild flowers.
i hope i helped! =)
Reply:I found this on the net... hope it helps.
Does anyone have any info on 18th Century artist 'Thomas Ryves'?
try this sight
In 1760 Thomas Ryves was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and Sciences and he exhibited some watercolours before the society. He also rebuilt Ranston Hall, giving it its present appearance
Reply:yeah, i know a few things.
his name was thomas ryves,
he made a watercolor painting in 178.
and it was called wild flowers.
i hope i helped! =)
Reply:I found this on the net... hope it helps.
wild flowers
My garden is being used as a litter box..?
I have a cat that lives next door, that thinks my garden of wild flowers is his litter box.... I am not happy about it..So, how do i keep the cat out ?And do I have the cat;s ower come and clean out what is left of my garden? I have mentioned it a few times, but, it is now not smelling great and if I wanted a cat, I would have gotten one, Oh, ya, they have a dog that likes to come and visit my yard too, HELP, WHAT DO I DO??? THANK YOU
My garden is being used as a litter box..?
I would talk to the owners and if that doesn't work you can call your local dog warden ( about the dog anyway) if it's bothering you and see what they can do, they might fine the owner. About the cat, my cats also like to dig up the garden and use it as their bathroom, I bury old glass jars and leave them sticking halfway up and halfway underground, the cats seem to hate these and won't go climbing around in the garden, you just have to make sure that the end is burried good in case something climbs in them and gets stuck. Good Luck!
Reply:ID ask the owner of the cat to kindly keep it out of your yard, and tell the owner that if it happens again u would expect them to take responsibility for their pets actions and to clean out your garden them self. If the owner on the other hand refuses to get there cat out of your garden tell them that it is not fair to u and the hard work u put into keeping your garden beautiful for your own and public enjoyment.
Reply:Hi, angelhousewife. There is a product that 'Hartz' puts out clled 'Help'. It is a 'stay off training aid', it is pretty good; If you have a large flower garden it will get kind of expensive. However, I have found the most marvelous natural remedie it is called 'Dog-Be-Gone' but as you will see cats 'will be gone' too! I strongly suggest taht the family be away from home (or go outside) when you start mixing this! LOL
2 cloves of garlic
2 small onions
1 jalapeno pepper
1 tblsp. cayinne pepper
1 tblsp. Tabasco sauce
1 tblsp. chili powder
1 tblsp. dishwashing liquid
1 qt. of warm water
Finely, chop the garlic,onions, and jalapeno pepper; combine with other ingredients in a glass jar ( with a tight fitting lid). Let the mixture sit, in a cool place, such as on the ground in a shade. Be absolutely sure that jar cannot be handled by children and that you label it "FOR GARDEN USE ONLY". Let the mixture 'marinate' for 24 hours, strain it through cheesecloth or old pantyhose(be sure to wear gloves!!), then sprinkle the resulting liquid on any areas where these pests are a problem. I use a spray bottle properly label this bottle too, and keep away from children. After a few times coming into contact with this concoction your negbhors animals should get the message. If your negbhors have children, I would give them a heads up on the ingredients so they will know that if their kids pet the animals and start screaming they should wash it off immediatly with warm soapy water, and that it is all natural ingredients.
Good Luck!!
Reply:Consider this a treat! Cat and dog crap is one of the best fertilizers for flowers believe it or not!
Reply:For the dog, speak to the owner, or stand vigilant with the garden hose.
For the cat, put lava rocks in your garden as ground cover, or try spraying the plants with cayenne and water.
Reply:Talking to the owners probly won't help b/c they let their cats outdoor and will ignore what u say or deny their cats doing "it" in your garden. dogs and cats do not like ground peppers {dried} , especially cats. put some sprinkled in ur yard/garden - u won't notice it put the animals will! hope it helps. ~kristina~
My garden is being used as a litter box..?
I would talk to the owners and if that doesn't work you can call your local dog warden ( about the dog anyway) if it's bothering you and see what they can do, they might fine the owner. About the cat, my cats also like to dig up the garden and use it as their bathroom, I bury old glass jars and leave them sticking halfway up and halfway underground, the cats seem to hate these and won't go climbing around in the garden, you just have to make sure that the end is burried good in case something climbs in them and gets stuck. Good Luck!
Reply:ID ask the owner of the cat to kindly keep it out of your yard, and tell the owner that if it happens again u would expect them to take responsibility for their pets actions and to clean out your garden them self. If the owner on the other hand refuses to get there cat out of your garden tell them that it is not fair to u and the hard work u put into keeping your garden beautiful for your own and public enjoyment.
Reply:Hi, angelhousewife. There is a product that 'Hartz' puts out clled 'Help'. It is a 'stay off training aid', it is pretty good; If you have a large flower garden it will get kind of expensive. However, I have found the most marvelous natural remedie it is called 'Dog-Be-Gone' but as you will see cats 'will be gone' too! I strongly suggest taht the family be away from home (or go outside) when you start mixing this! LOL
2 cloves of garlic
2 small onions
1 jalapeno pepper
1 tblsp. cayinne pepper
1 tblsp. Tabasco sauce
1 tblsp. chili powder
1 tblsp. dishwashing liquid
1 qt. of warm water
Finely, chop the garlic,onions, and jalapeno pepper; combine with other ingredients in a glass jar ( with a tight fitting lid). Let the mixture sit, in a cool place, such as on the ground in a shade. Be absolutely sure that jar cannot be handled by children and that you label it "FOR GARDEN USE ONLY". Let the mixture 'marinate' for 24 hours, strain it through cheesecloth or old pantyhose(be sure to wear gloves!!), then sprinkle the resulting liquid on any areas where these pests are a problem. I use a spray bottle properly label this bottle too, and keep away from children. After a few times coming into contact with this concoction your negbhors animals should get the message. If your negbhors have children, I would give them a heads up on the ingredients so they will know that if their kids pet the animals and start screaming they should wash it off immediatly with warm soapy water, and that it is all natural ingredients.
Good Luck!!
Reply:Consider this a treat! Cat and dog crap is one of the best fertilizers for flowers believe it or not!
Reply:For the dog, speak to the owner, or stand vigilant with the garden hose.
For the cat, put lava rocks in your garden as ground cover, or try spraying the plants with cayenne and water.
Reply:Talking to the owners probly won't help b/c they let their cats outdoor and will ignore what u say or deny their cats doing "it" in your garden. dogs and cats do not like ground peppers {dried} , especially cats. put some sprinkled in ur yard/garden - u won't notice it put the animals will! hope it helps. ~kristina~
wild flowers
What is this plant?
It is about 4ft tall, its leaves are 30cm long and linear with spines along the centre ridge on the back of the leaf and they are in pairs all the way up the stem.. The edges of the leaves are serrated,it has a flower coming at the top of it's single stem but I can't tell what colour it is yet. they spent the winter as rosettes of about 6 leaves almost flat on the ground ', but have really sprouted since april. I have about 10 of these growing where I scattered a packet of wild flower seeds last year but I have lost the packet.
What is this plant?
Teasel - birds love em but they seed like weeds once they are in.
The flower grows like a large cone shape then sprouts tiny little lilac, mauve blooms all around it.
Also common in the UK
Reply:sounds to me like Japanese knotweed, they take over everything.River banks etc are like jungles. there is a massive govt financed effort to eradicate this noxious nuisance. If the stalks are a bit pinky, get expert advice immediately. Your whole neighbourhood will be blighted, and it is an offence, punishable by imprisonment to knowingly cultivate this horror. Its almst as bad as the obnoxious Leylandii. No joking, google it
hope it isn't what I suspect
good luck
Reply:It could be a milk thistle if it is green:
or a mullein if it is greyish green:
Reply:It is probably a weed. Kinda sounds like thistle. Here is a pic of Thistle.
It's just my best guess. Without a pic from you it is impossible to tell.
What is this plant?
Teasel - birds love em but they seed like weeds once they are in.
The flower grows like a large cone shape then sprouts tiny little lilac, mauve blooms all around it.
Also common in the UK
Reply:sounds to me like Japanese knotweed, they take over everything.River banks etc are like jungles. there is a massive govt financed effort to eradicate this noxious nuisance. If the stalks are a bit pinky, get expert advice immediately. Your whole neighbourhood will be blighted, and it is an offence, punishable by imprisonment to knowingly cultivate this horror. Its almst as bad as the obnoxious Leylandii. No joking, google it
hope it isn't what I suspect
good luck
Reply:It could be a milk thistle if it is green:
or a mullein if it is greyish green:
Reply:It is probably a weed. Kinda sounds like thistle. Here is a pic of Thistle.
It's just my best guess. Without a pic from you it is impossible to tell.
wild flowers
What is this tree on Lincoln Rd in South Beach?
Right in the middle of Lincoln Rd mall is this wild looking tree. It is right where the main outdoor dining area is and where the palm tree and parrots are. This is the only tree I have ever seen like this. It is big and has orchid-looking flowers handing down and also has large fruit resembling an eggplant (but green). It is about half way down the outdoor mall. No body has ever been able to tell me what this is. Any ideas?
What is this tree on Lincoln Rd in South Beach?
South Beach, where???? What city, country??
Could you send us a picture?? The folks on this site are really GREAT about identifying plants with a picture!!!
Good Luck!!
Reply:Hello, I know which tree you are talking about. I took a flower of it and made a picture. I would also love to know, what kind of tree that is!!! Report It
What is this tree on Lincoln Rd in South Beach?
South Beach, where???? What city, country??
Could you send us a picture?? The folks on this site are really GREAT about identifying plants with a picture!!!
Good Luck!!
Reply:Hello, I know which tree you are talking about. I took a flower of it and made a picture. I would also love to know, what kind of tree that is!!! Report It
wild flowers
Best Plants?
What are the best plants for a massive woodland garden?
I already have loads of wild flowers but i wanted to know which would be best and grow well in my gardens enviroment.
Best Plants?
Here is a website you'll get a lot of help from....you can type in shade, height, color, any number of variables...
The only drawback with this site is that you have to click on each flower to see which zones it thrives in....
Happy Gardening!!!
Reply:I think sunflowers are really cool. They are easy to grow, and pretty to look at, plus their seeds will attract birds and other animals, if you like that sort of thing.
I already have loads of wild flowers but i wanted to know which would be best and grow well in my gardens enviroment.
Best Plants?
Here is a website you'll get a lot of help from....you can type in shade, height, color, any number of variables...
The only drawback with this site is that you have to click on each flower to see which zones it thrives in....
Happy Gardening!!!
Reply:I think sunflowers are really cool. They are easy to grow, and pretty to look at, plus their seeds will attract birds and other animals, if you like that sort of thing.
wild flowers
Math Probability Flowers?
1. A study is run to investigate the association between flower color and fragrance in wild azaleas found in the Great Smoky Mountains. A 5-acre tract of mountain terrain was selected and found to contain 200 blooming plants. Each was classified both by color and by fragrance or absence of fragrance. The results are shown in the following table.
Fragrance White Pink Orange
Yes 12 60 58
No 50 10 10
Using the data from the table, approximate each of the following probabilities:
1. the probability that a randomly selected azalea has a fragrance
2. the probability that a randomly selected azalea is orange
3. the probability that a randomly selected azalea is orange and has a fragrance
4. the probability that a randomly selected azalea is orange given that it has a fragrance
5. the probability that a randomly selected azalea has a fragrance given that it is orange
Math Probability Flowers?
1) P(fragrance) = (12 + 60 + 58) / 200 = 130 / 200 = 0.65
2) P(orange) = (58+10)/200 = 0.34
3) P(orange and fragrance) = 58/200 = 0.29
4) P(orange | fragrance ) = P(orange and fragrance) / P(fragrance)
= 0.29 / 0.65
= 0.4461538
5) P(fragrance | orange) = P(orange and fragrance) / P(orange)
= 0.29 / 0.34
= 0.8529412
Nintendo Wiioily skin
Fragrance White Pink Orange
Yes 12 60 58
No 50 10 10
Using the data from the table, approximate each of the following probabilities:
1. the probability that a randomly selected azalea has a fragrance
2. the probability that a randomly selected azalea is orange
3. the probability that a randomly selected azalea is orange and has a fragrance
4. the probability that a randomly selected azalea is orange given that it has a fragrance
5. the probability that a randomly selected azalea has a fragrance given that it is orange
Math Probability Flowers?
1) P(fragrance) = (12 + 60 + 58) / 200 = 130 / 200 = 0.65
2) P(orange) = (58+10)/200 = 0.34
3) P(orange and fragrance) = 58/200 = 0.29
4) P(orange | fragrance ) = P(orange and fragrance) / P(fragrance)
= 0.29 / 0.65
= 0.4461538
5) P(fragrance | orange) = P(orange and fragrance) / P(orange)
= 0.29 / 0.34
= 0.8529412
Nintendo Wii
wild flowers
Can someone help me answer these questions about the scarlet letter?
Chapter 1
1. Describe the story’s setting.
2. Since Hawthorne has described a prison, a cemetery, ugly weeds and a wild
rosebush, what do you think the story will be about?
3. What do you expect the mood of the novel will be?
Chapter 2
1. What is Hester’s sin?
2. What is the public view, expressed by women outside the prison, of
Hester’s sin?
3. By including the comments of the women, what do you think Hawthorne is
suggesting about this society?
4. What is Hester’s punishment?
Chapter 3
1. As she stands on the scaffold, who appears in the crowd and what is
Hester’s reaction?
2. Where has Chillingworth been? What motion does he make to Hester and why?
3. Who is Dimmesdale?
4. What appeal does Dimmesdale use to convince Hester to reveal the baby’s
father? Do you agree with him?
5. What is Hester’s attitude toward both her sin and her punishment?
6. One way Hester endures her punishment is by dreaming of her past. What
does the reader learn of Hester’s past by this flashback?
Chapter 4
1. Why does Hester fear Chillingworth?
2. What is Chillingworth’s attitude toward Hester? Explain.
3. What does Chillingworth intend to do? Why?
4. What does Chillingworth ask Hester to promise? Why does she agree to
5. Hester says to Chillingworth, “Thy acts like mercy,…But thy words
interpret thee as a terror!” What does she mean? What has Chillingworth
said that gives her that impression?
6. What descriptive details does Hawthorne give the reader about
Chillingworth that reinforce the image of him as someone to be feared?
7. What is implied in Chillingworth’s last line, “No, not thine”?
Chapter 5
1. In this chapter the narrator summarizes months of Hester’s life.
Describe Hester’s life. How does she earn a living” How is she treated?
2. Give two reasons why Hester decides to remain in Boston when she could
have easily moved to a less restrictive colony?
3. Explain Hester’s reaction to the insults she receives.
4. How has Hester changed?
5. Explain the significance of the position of Hester’s home.
6. In your opinion, why do people allow Hester to sew for them?
Chapter 6
1. Describe Pearl.
2. How does Hawthorne say Pearl’s “uncontrollable” behavior can be explained?
3. As Hawthorne puts it, explain the ambiguity concerning Pearl.
4. Why does Hester ask Pearl, “Art thou my child?”
5. According to Hawthorne, what purpose does Pearl have in respect to
Hester’s destiny?
6. How is an actual pearl created in nature? How is Pearl’s name symbolic?
Chapter 7
1. Why does Hester go to the governor’s house?
2. How is Pearl dressed, and what is her dress compared to?
3. How does the incident with the breastplate further develop the
Chapter 8
1. Consider the descriptions of the governor’s house. What is Hawthorne
suggesting about the governor?
2. How do the magistrates react to Pearl? Why?
3. How does Hester behave towards the magistrate? Why?
4. Why is Hester able to keep Pearl? What are the arguments that convince
the magistrates?
5. A) What is Pearl’s response when asked by the governor, Who made thee,
B) What prompts Pearl’s answer? What symbolism is developed here?
6. What happens at the end of the chapter that illustrates the minister’s
7. Describe how Dimmesdale has changed.
8. Describe how Chillingworth has changed.
9. What twofold role does Reverend Dimmesdale say Pearl plays?
Chapter 9
1. Hawthorne uses the “either/or” device as an explanation of the minister’s
health. Give both explanations.
2. A) Why does Dimmesdale reject the offer of help?
B) What finally persuades him to accept the offer?
3. Explain the title of this chapter, “The Leech.” What is the twofold
4. Describe Chillingworth’s method of approaching an illness that he is to
5. Describe the relationship between Dimmesdale and Chillingworth.
6. Although some people in the community feel that God has sent
Chillingworth to heal their minister, other people have a different view.
Explain the second view and the basis for this idea of Chillingworth.
7. Give an interpretation for the last and the next to the last paragraph in
Chapter 10
1. What action of Dimmesdale’s suggests that he is hiding something on his
2. How do the black flowers initiate a discussion on “hidden sins”?
3. What explanation, perhaps rationalization, does Dimmesdale offer for not
confessing and thereby revealing a hidden sin?
4. In this context, what does Chillingworth mean when he mutters, “A strange
sympathy betwixt soul and body! Were it only for the art’s sake I must
this matter to the bottom!”?
5. A) What does Chillingworth do while Dimmesdale sleeps? Symbolically,
what has Chillingworth done to Dimmesdale?
B) What do you think Chillingworth sees in/on Dimmesdale?
C) Describe Chillingworth’s reaction to what he sees. Why do you think
he reacts this way? What is Hawthorne suggesting about him?
Chapter 11
1. Explain the narrator’s statement, “He [Chillingworth] became not a
spectator only, but a chief actor, in the poor minister’s interior world.”
2. What makes Dimmesdale such a good minister?
3. What is ironic about Dimmesdale’s public assertions of his guilt?
4. Explain the ways Dimmesdale tortures himself and is responsible for his
own suffering.
5. A) In what way are both Chillingworth and Dimmesdale to be pitied?
B) Whom do you pity most? Why?
6. What is Hawthorne suggesting about the effects of sin?
Chapter 12
1. The second scaffold scene in the book occurs here. Critics consider this
part as, “Hawthorne at his best.” Why is Dimmesdale on the scaffold? Why
does he climb the scaffold at night? What do we learn is the source of his
chest pain?
2. According to critics, Hawthorne, as an artist of the psychological, has
Dimmesdale express his subconscious feelings. Describe what Hawthorne
has Dimmesdale do that suggests his subconscious mind.
3. Why are there so many of the other characters walking around so late at
4. How does Dimmesdale feel as he holds Pearl’s hand? Why?
5. Why does Pearl pull away from Dimmesdale?
6. Describe the two seemingly supernatural occurrences. What effect do
they have?
7. How is the symbolism of the letter “A” continued?
8. How does Dimmesdale behave the next day?
Chapter 13
(This chapter, which follows the dramatic intensity of the previous one, is
in the form of a summary by the narrator. Pearl is now seven years old.)
1. What is the reader told about Hester’s position in the community?
2. How is the letter being interpreted?
3. How does Hester compare to her partner in sin?
4. Why, according to the narrator, has her natural beauty diminished? What
could bring it back?
5. What question does Hawthorne raise about love and Hester?
6. In what way is Hester an emancipated feminist?
7. Explain: “It is remarkable, that persons who speculate the most boldly
often conform with the most perfect quietude to the external regulations of
society. The thought suffices them…”
8. Has the scarlet letter done to Hester what the Puritans wanted it to?
Explain the irony.
9. In the last page of the chapter, which returns to the plot, what does
resolve to do? Why?
Chapter 14
1. In what way does Chillingworth look like the devil? Why?
2. Why does Chillingworth think he has a double reason for punishing
3. What pleas of Hester’s arouse sympathy and admiration in Chillingworth?
4. What does Hester ask of Chillingworth? What is his response?
5. Do you think Hawthorne meant for the reader to see Chillingworth as “the
devil”? Explain.
Chapter 15
1. After Hester leaves Chillingworth, the narrator follows Hester’s
thoughts. How does she feel about Chillingworth? Explain.
2. The narrator asks, “Had seven long years, under the torture of the
scarlet letter, inflicted so much of misery, and wrought out no
repentance?” In your opinion, has Hester repented her sin?
3. What has Pearl been doing? How does this show that she is like her
4. How does Pearl answer her mother’s questions as to why she wears the
5. When Pearl repeatedly asks her mother about the meaning of the “A,” why,
in your opinion, doesn’t Hester confide in Pearl?
Chapter 16
1. A) Why has Hester taken Pearl and gone into the forest? How does she
B) How does the atmosphere in the forest reflect her mood?
2. As Hester and Pearl walk into the forest, Hawthorne develops many of his
images. Explain the following:
sunlight and darkness
the pathway
the mark of the “Black Man”
the sorrow of the brook
3. In what way does Hester acknowledge her sin to Pearl?
Chapter 17
1. How does Hawthorne reinforce his theme of hidden sin once again?
2. Describe Dimmesdale’s reaction when Hester forces herself to tell him
who Chillingworth is.
3. A) Why does Dimmesdale forgive Hester?
B) According to Dimmesdale, who is the one worse than “the polluted
priest”? Why?
4. What “new horror” occurs to Dimmesdale?
5. Explain Hester’s statement to Dimmesdale, “Wilt thou die for very
6. A) What does Hester give Dimmesdale?
B) What is suggested in the last two lines?
Chapter 18
1. What contrast does the narrator point out between Hester and Dimmisdale?
2. Why does Dimmesdale “resolve to flee, and not alone”?
3. A) Describe the “exhilarating effect” of this decision on Hester and
B) How does Hawthorne use symbolism to reinforce this effect?
4. How does Hawthorne reinforce his idea that “Nature,…never subjugated by
human law,” was in sympathy with the union of Hester and Dimmesdale?
5. What idea is suggested by Pearl’s slow approach and Dimmesdale’s fear of
Chapter 19
1. Why does Pear “burst into a fit of passion” when she stands across the
brook from her mother?
2. How has Hawthorne used the symbol of the scarlet letter again?
3. How does Pearl react to her mother’s assertion that Dimmesdale loves them?
4. How does Pearl behave toward the minister? How can this be explained?
Chapter 20
1. Describe the minister’s wicked impulses as he returns to town.
2. On a psychological level, what is Hawthorne suggesting about
Dimmesdale’s subconscious mind?
3. What does Dimmesdale wonder?
4. Do you think Dimmesdale has committed a “deadly sin” by planning to
escape with
Chapter 21
1. In this chapter Hawthorne makes frequent mention of the colors gray,
black (sable), and brown. What is he suggesting with his emphasis on those
2. What bad news does Hester learn from the ship captain?
3. In addition to providing more information, what other purpose does this
chapter serve?
4. How does Pearl’s comment on the bahavior of Reverend Dimmesdale further
point out the light / darkness contrast?
5. What do the darkness and the light symbolize?
Chapter 22
1. Explain three things that depress Hester in this chapter.
2. What is different about Dimmesdale?
3. Again, what does Pearl want from Dimmesdale?
4. Why does Hawthorne end this chapter with the remarks, “The sainted
minister in the church! The woman of the scarlet letter in the market-place!”
Chapter 23
1. When this chapter opens, why does Dimmesdale stand “on the very proudest
eminence of superiority . . .”? (How has he moved his people?)
2. As Dimmesdale leaves the church and approaches Hester, what does he do?
3. What is Chillingworth’s reaction? Explain Chillingworth’s statement, “[t]
here was no one place . . . thou couldst have escaped me; save on this very
4. What does Hester answer when Dimmesdale says, “Is not this better…than
what we dreamed of in the forest?”
5. What is Dimmesdale’s most dramatic revelation to “the people of New
6. What does Dimmesdale ask Pearl? What effect does this have on Pearl?
7. How do you explain Dimmesdale’s parting words to Hester?
Chapter 24
1. What theories does Hawthorne offer the reader about the scarlet letter
imprinted in the minister’s flesh?
2. A) What happens to Chillingworth?
B) What does he give Pearl?
3. What, as far as the narrator knows, becomes of Pearl?
4. Finally, explain Hawthorne’s conclusion for Heste
Can someone help me answer these questions about the scarlet letter?
The Scarlet Letter opens with an expectant crowd standing in front of a Boston prison in the early 1640s. When the prison door opens, a young woman named Hester Prynne emerges, with a baby in her arms, and a scarlet letter "A" richly embroidered on her breast. For her crime of adultery, to which both the baby and the letter attest, she must proceed to the scaffold and stand for judgment by her community.
While on the scaffold, Hester remembers her past. In particular, she remembers the face of a "misshapen" man, "well stricken in years," with the face of a scholar. At this moment, the narrator introduces an aged and misshapen character, who has been living "in bonds" with "Indian" captors. He asks a bystander why Hester is on the scaffold. The brief story is told: two years earlier, Hester had preceded her husband to New England. Her husband never arrived. In the meantime, she bore a child; the father of the infant has not come forward. As this stranger stares at Hester, she stares back: a mutual recognition passes between them.
On the scaffold, Boston's highest clergyman, John Wilson, and Hester's own pastor, Rev. Dimmesdale, each ask her to reveal the name of her partner in crime. Reverend Dimmesdale makes a particularly powerful address, urging her not to tempt the man to lead a life of sinful hypocrisy by leaving his identity unnamed. Hester refuses.
After the ordeal of her public judgment, the misshapen man from the marketplaceher long lost husbandvisits her, taking the name Roger Chillingworth. When she refuses to identify the father of her child, he vows to discover him and take revenge. He makes Hester swear to keep his identity a secret.
Hester Prynne : Hester Prynne is the central and most important character in The Scarlet Letter. Hester was married to Roger Chillingworth while living in England and, later, Amsterdama city to which many English Puritans moved for religious freedom. Hester preceded her husband to New England, as he had business matters to settle in Amsterdam, and after approximately two years in America she committed adultery with the Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale.
The novel begins as Hester nears the end of her prison term for adultery. While adultery was considered a grave threat to the Puritan community, such that death was considered a just punishment, the Puritan authorities weighed the long absence and possible death of her husband in their sentence. Thus, they settled on the punishment of permanent public humiliation and moral example: Hester was to forever wear the scarlet letter A on the bodice of her clothing.
While seemingly free to leave the community and even America at her will, Hester chooses to stay. As the narrator puts it, "Here, she said to herself, had been the scene of her guilt, and here should be the scene of her earthly punishment; and so, perchance, the torture of her daily shame would at length purge her soul." According to this reasoning, Hester assumes her residence in a small abandoned cottage on the outskirts of the community.
While the novel is, in large part, a record of the torment Hester suffers under the burden of her symbol of shame, eventually, after the implied marriage of her daughter Pearl and the death of Chillingworth and Dimmesdale, Hester becomes an accepted and even a highly valued member of the community. Instead of being a symbol of scorn, Hester, and the letter A, according to the narrator, "became a type of something to be sorrowed over, and looked upon with awe, yet with reverence too." The people of the community even come to Hester for comfort and counsel in times of trouble and sorrow because they trust her to offer unselfish advice toward the resolution of upsetting conflict. Thus, in the end, Hester becomes an important figure in preserving the peace and stability of the community
Reply:Matthew, Matthew....read the book! It's not very long...you can do it!
Reply:he he. you actually got someone to answer it for u! job well done.
Reply:do your own homework
1. Describe the story’s setting.
2. Since Hawthorne has described a prison, a cemetery, ugly weeds and a wild
rosebush, what do you think the story will be about?
3. What do you expect the mood of the novel will be?
Chapter 2
1. What is Hester’s sin?
2. What is the public view, expressed by women outside the prison, of
Hester’s sin?
3. By including the comments of the women, what do you think Hawthorne is
suggesting about this society?
4. What is Hester’s punishment?
Chapter 3
1. As she stands on the scaffold, who appears in the crowd and what is
Hester’s reaction?
2. Where has Chillingworth been? What motion does he make to Hester and why?
3. Who is Dimmesdale?
4. What appeal does Dimmesdale use to convince Hester to reveal the baby’s
father? Do you agree with him?
5. What is Hester’s attitude toward both her sin and her punishment?
6. One way Hester endures her punishment is by dreaming of her past. What
does the reader learn of Hester’s past by this flashback?
Chapter 4
1. Why does Hester fear Chillingworth?
2. What is Chillingworth’s attitude toward Hester? Explain.
3. What does Chillingworth intend to do? Why?
4. What does Chillingworth ask Hester to promise? Why does she agree to
5. Hester says to Chillingworth, “Thy acts like mercy,…But thy words
interpret thee as a terror!” What does she mean? What has Chillingworth
said that gives her that impression?
6. What descriptive details does Hawthorne give the reader about
Chillingworth that reinforce the image of him as someone to be feared?
7. What is implied in Chillingworth’s last line, “No, not thine”?
Chapter 5
1. In this chapter the narrator summarizes months of Hester’s life.
Describe Hester’s life. How does she earn a living” How is she treated?
2. Give two reasons why Hester decides to remain in Boston when she could
have easily moved to a less restrictive colony?
3. Explain Hester’s reaction to the insults she receives.
4. How has Hester changed?
5. Explain the significance of the position of Hester’s home.
6. In your opinion, why do people allow Hester to sew for them?
Chapter 6
1. Describe Pearl.
2. How does Hawthorne say Pearl’s “uncontrollable” behavior can be explained?
3. As Hawthorne puts it, explain the ambiguity concerning Pearl.
4. Why does Hester ask Pearl, “Art thou my child?”
5. According to Hawthorne, what purpose does Pearl have in respect to
Hester’s destiny?
6. How is an actual pearl created in nature? How is Pearl’s name symbolic?
Chapter 7
1. Why does Hester go to the governor’s house?
2. How is Pearl dressed, and what is her dress compared to?
3. How does the incident with the breastplate further develop the
Chapter 8
1. Consider the descriptions of the governor’s house. What is Hawthorne
suggesting about the governor?
2. How do the magistrates react to Pearl? Why?
3. How does Hester behave towards the magistrate? Why?
4. Why is Hester able to keep Pearl? What are the arguments that convince
the magistrates?
5. A) What is Pearl’s response when asked by the governor, Who made thee,
B) What prompts Pearl’s answer? What symbolism is developed here?
6. What happens at the end of the chapter that illustrates the minister’s
7. Describe how Dimmesdale has changed.
8. Describe how Chillingworth has changed.
9. What twofold role does Reverend Dimmesdale say Pearl plays?
Chapter 9
1. Hawthorne uses the “either/or” device as an explanation of the minister’s
health. Give both explanations.
2. A) Why does Dimmesdale reject the offer of help?
B) What finally persuades him to accept the offer?
3. Explain the title of this chapter, “The Leech.” What is the twofold
4. Describe Chillingworth’s method of approaching an illness that he is to
5. Describe the relationship between Dimmesdale and Chillingworth.
6. Although some people in the community feel that God has sent
Chillingworth to heal their minister, other people have a different view.
Explain the second view and the basis for this idea of Chillingworth.
7. Give an interpretation for the last and the next to the last paragraph in
Chapter 10
1. What action of Dimmesdale’s suggests that he is hiding something on his
2. How do the black flowers initiate a discussion on “hidden sins”?
3. What explanation, perhaps rationalization, does Dimmesdale offer for not
confessing and thereby revealing a hidden sin?
4. In this context, what does Chillingworth mean when he mutters, “A strange
sympathy betwixt soul and body! Were it only for the art’s sake I must
this matter to the bottom!”?
5. A) What does Chillingworth do while Dimmesdale sleeps? Symbolically,
what has Chillingworth done to Dimmesdale?
B) What do you think Chillingworth sees in/on Dimmesdale?
C) Describe Chillingworth’s reaction to what he sees. Why do you think
he reacts this way? What is Hawthorne suggesting about him?
Chapter 11
1. Explain the narrator’s statement, “He [Chillingworth] became not a
spectator only, but a chief actor, in the poor minister’s interior world.”
2. What makes Dimmesdale such a good minister?
3. What is ironic about Dimmesdale’s public assertions of his guilt?
4. Explain the ways Dimmesdale tortures himself and is responsible for his
own suffering.
5. A) In what way are both Chillingworth and Dimmesdale to be pitied?
B) Whom do you pity most? Why?
6. What is Hawthorne suggesting about the effects of sin?
Chapter 12
1. The second scaffold scene in the book occurs here. Critics consider this
part as, “Hawthorne at his best.” Why is Dimmesdale on the scaffold? Why
does he climb the scaffold at night? What do we learn is the source of his
chest pain?
2. According to critics, Hawthorne, as an artist of the psychological, has
Dimmesdale express his subconscious feelings. Describe what Hawthorne
has Dimmesdale do that suggests his subconscious mind.
3. Why are there so many of the other characters walking around so late at
4. How does Dimmesdale feel as he holds Pearl’s hand? Why?
5. Why does Pearl pull away from Dimmesdale?
6. Describe the two seemingly supernatural occurrences. What effect do
they have?
7. How is the symbolism of the letter “A” continued?
8. How does Dimmesdale behave the next day?
Chapter 13
(This chapter, which follows the dramatic intensity of the previous one, is
in the form of a summary by the narrator. Pearl is now seven years old.)
1. What is the reader told about Hester’s position in the community?
2. How is the letter being interpreted?
3. How does Hester compare to her partner in sin?
4. Why, according to the narrator, has her natural beauty diminished? What
could bring it back?
5. What question does Hawthorne raise about love and Hester?
6. In what way is Hester an emancipated feminist?
7. Explain: “It is remarkable, that persons who speculate the most boldly
often conform with the most perfect quietude to the external regulations of
society. The thought suffices them…”
8. Has the scarlet letter done to Hester what the Puritans wanted it to?
Explain the irony.
9. In the last page of the chapter, which returns to the plot, what does
resolve to do? Why?
Chapter 14
1. In what way does Chillingworth look like the devil? Why?
2. Why does Chillingworth think he has a double reason for punishing
3. What pleas of Hester’s arouse sympathy and admiration in Chillingworth?
4. What does Hester ask of Chillingworth? What is his response?
5. Do you think Hawthorne meant for the reader to see Chillingworth as “the
devil”? Explain.
Chapter 15
1. After Hester leaves Chillingworth, the narrator follows Hester’s
thoughts. How does she feel about Chillingworth? Explain.
2. The narrator asks, “Had seven long years, under the torture of the
scarlet letter, inflicted so much of misery, and wrought out no
repentance?” In your opinion, has Hester repented her sin?
3. What has Pearl been doing? How does this show that she is like her
4. How does Pearl answer her mother’s questions as to why she wears the
5. When Pearl repeatedly asks her mother about the meaning of the “A,” why,
in your opinion, doesn’t Hester confide in Pearl?
Chapter 16
1. A) Why has Hester taken Pearl and gone into the forest? How does she
B) How does the atmosphere in the forest reflect her mood?
2. As Hester and Pearl walk into the forest, Hawthorne develops many of his
images. Explain the following:
sunlight and darkness
the pathway
the mark of the “Black Man”
the sorrow of the brook
3. In what way does Hester acknowledge her sin to Pearl?
Chapter 17
1. How does Hawthorne reinforce his theme of hidden sin once again?
2. Describe Dimmesdale’s reaction when Hester forces herself to tell him
who Chillingworth is.
3. A) Why does Dimmesdale forgive Hester?
B) According to Dimmesdale, who is the one worse than “the polluted
priest”? Why?
4. What “new horror” occurs to Dimmesdale?
5. Explain Hester’s statement to Dimmesdale, “Wilt thou die for very
6. A) What does Hester give Dimmesdale?
B) What is suggested in the last two lines?
Chapter 18
1. What contrast does the narrator point out between Hester and Dimmisdale?
2. Why does Dimmesdale “resolve to flee, and not alone”?
3. A) Describe the “exhilarating effect” of this decision on Hester and
B) How does Hawthorne use symbolism to reinforce this effect?
4. How does Hawthorne reinforce his idea that “Nature,…never subjugated by
human law,” was in sympathy with the union of Hester and Dimmesdale?
5. What idea is suggested by Pearl’s slow approach and Dimmesdale’s fear of
Chapter 19
1. Why does Pear “burst into a fit of passion” when she stands across the
brook from her mother?
2. How has Hawthorne used the symbol of the scarlet letter again?
3. How does Pearl react to her mother’s assertion that Dimmesdale loves them?
4. How does Pearl behave toward the minister? How can this be explained?
Chapter 20
1. Describe the minister’s wicked impulses as he returns to town.
2. On a psychological level, what is Hawthorne suggesting about
Dimmesdale’s subconscious mind?
3. What does Dimmesdale wonder?
4. Do you think Dimmesdale has committed a “deadly sin” by planning to
escape with
Chapter 21
1. In this chapter Hawthorne makes frequent mention of the colors gray,
black (sable), and brown. What is he suggesting with his emphasis on those
2. What bad news does Hester learn from the ship captain?
3. In addition to providing more information, what other purpose does this
chapter serve?
4. How does Pearl’s comment on the bahavior of Reverend Dimmesdale further
point out the light / darkness contrast?
5. What do the darkness and the light symbolize?
Chapter 22
1. Explain three things that depress Hester in this chapter.
2. What is different about Dimmesdale?
3. Again, what does Pearl want from Dimmesdale?
4. Why does Hawthorne end this chapter with the remarks, “The sainted
minister in the church! The woman of the scarlet letter in the market-place!”
Chapter 23
1. When this chapter opens, why does Dimmesdale stand “on the very proudest
eminence of superiority . . .”? (How has he moved his people?)
2. As Dimmesdale leaves the church and approaches Hester, what does he do?
3. What is Chillingworth’s reaction? Explain Chillingworth’s statement, “[t]
here was no one place . . . thou couldst have escaped me; save on this very
4. What does Hester answer when Dimmesdale says, “Is not this better…than
what we dreamed of in the forest?”
5. What is Dimmesdale’s most dramatic revelation to “the people of New
6. What does Dimmesdale ask Pearl? What effect does this have on Pearl?
7. How do you explain Dimmesdale’s parting words to Hester?
Chapter 24
1. What theories does Hawthorne offer the reader about the scarlet letter
imprinted in the minister’s flesh?
2. A) What happens to Chillingworth?
B) What does he give Pearl?
3. What, as far as the narrator knows, becomes of Pearl?
4. Finally, explain Hawthorne’s conclusion for Heste
Can someone help me answer these questions about the scarlet letter?
The Scarlet Letter opens with an expectant crowd standing in front of a Boston prison in the early 1640s. When the prison door opens, a young woman named Hester Prynne emerges, with a baby in her arms, and a scarlet letter "A" richly embroidered on her breast. For her crime of adultery, to which both the baby and the letter attest, she must proceed to the scaffold and stand for judgment by her community.
While on the scaffold, Hester remembers her past. In particular, she remembers the face of a "misshapen" man, "well stricken in years," with the face of a scholar. At this moment, the narrator introduces an aged and misshapen character, who has been living "in bonds" with "Indian" captors. He asks a bystander why Hester is on the scaffold. The brief story is told: two years earlier, Hester had preceded her husband to New England. Her husband never arrived. In the meantime, she bore a child; the father of the infant has not come forward. As this stranger stares at Hester, she stares back: a mutual recognition passes between them.
On the scaffold, Boston's highest clergyman, John Wilson, and Hester's own pastor, Rev. Dimmesdale, each ask her to reveal the name of her partner in crime. Reverend Dimmesdale makes a particularly powerful address, urging her not to tempt the man to lead a life of sinful hypocrisy by leaving his identity unnamed. Hester refuses.
After the ordeal of her public judgment, the misshapen man from the marketplaceher long lost husbandvisits her, taking the name Roger Chillingworth. When she refuses to identify the father of her child, he vows to discover him and take revenge. He makes Hester swear to keep his identity a secret.
Hester Prynne : Hester Prynne is the central and most important character in The Scarlet Letter. Hester was married to Roger Chillingworth while living in England and, later, Amsterdama city to which many English Puritans moved for religious freedom. Hester preceded her husband to New England, as he had business matters to settle in Amsterdam, and after approximately two years in America she committed adultery with the Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale.
The novel begins as Hester nears the end of her prison term for adultery. While adultery was considered a grave threat to the Puritan community, such that death was considered a just punishment, the Puritan authorities weighed the long absence and possible death of her husband in their sentence. Thus, they settled on the punishment of permanent public humiliation and moral example: Hester was to forever wear the scarlet letter A on the bodice of her clothing.
While seemingly free to leave the community and even America at her will, Hester chooses to stay. As the narrator puts it, "Here, she said to herself, had been the scene of her guilt, and here should be the scene of her earthly punishment; and so, perchance, the torture of her daily shame would at length purge her soul." According to this reasoning, Hester assumes her residence in a small abandoned cottage on the outskirts of the community.
While the novel is, in large part, a record of the torment Hester suffers under the burden of her symbol of shame, eventually, after the implied marriage of her daughter Pearl and the death of Chillingworth and Dimmesdale, Hester becomes an accepted and even a highly valued member of the community. Instead of being a symbol of scorn, Hester, and the letter A, according to the narrator, "became a type of something to be sorrowed over, and looked upon with awe, yet with reverence too." The people of the community even come to Hester for comfort and counsel in times of trouble and sorrow because they trust her to offer unselfish advice toward the resolution of upsetting conflict. Thus, in the end, Hester becomes an important figure in preserving the peace and stability of the community
Reply:Matthew, Matthew....read the book! It's not very long...you can do it!
Reply:he he. you actually got someone to answer it for u! job well done.
Reply:do your own homework
wild flowers
I have breathed her scent upon the winds,through the wilderness?
she is hidden and dancing freely. I have searched amongst the maidens, and could not find her, oh princess of the wild flowers you can not hide, for I have chozen you to be mine, you must surrender your love %26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;--------%26gt;%26lt;3
I have breathed her scent upon the winds,through the wilderness?
OK I'll think about it.
Reply:There surely must be a better forum to display poetry than yahoo answers. What are you expecting? That some poetry publishing executive will discover you here and give you a book deal? Maybe if you were a talented poet then there would be a chance of that. But I have to be frank with you. Your poetry will never earn you a living. Please, stop abusing yahoo answers with this emo poetry.
Reply:Poor Demeter....
I have breathed her scent upon the winds,through the wilderness?
OK I'll think about it.
Reply:There surely must be a better forum to display poetry than yahoo answers. What are you expecting? That some poetry publishing executive will discover you here and give you a book deal? Maybe if you were a talented poet then there would be a chance of that. But I have to be frank with you. Your poetry will never earn you a living. Please, stop abusing yahoo answers with this emo poetry.
Reply:Poor Demeter....
wild flowers
Why this text is sees as literary?but why less literary than a novel passage? please help?
Rural Dorset is an area of scenic beauty and contrast, criss-crossed by the pretty River Stour and bordered on both sides by Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
Along the Wiltshire borders lie the rolling downlands of the Cranborne Chase, formerly a royal hunting ground and now a designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, offering high chalkland views, many wild flowers, birds and butterflies.
To the east and the Hampshire borders, heathlands meet the meandering Avon Valley, which forms a delightful natural boundary with the neighbouring New Forest and its woodland and ponies. Holt Heath, a National Nature Reserve, is home to rare and unusual flora and fauna such as the shy Sand Lizard and diminutive Dartford Warbler.
Across the River Stour lies the gentle clay vale and dairying country of the Blackmore Vale, much beloved of Thomas Hardy, with its patchwork fields and hidden hamlets. Beyond, and stretching right over to the coast in the far west of the county, lies the open country of the Dorset Downs, Area of Outstnding Natural Beauty.
The serene and picturesque valleys of the Rivers Stour, Allen and Crane with their tranquil water meadows and lush vegetation are particularly rich in wildlife and make the perfect setting for an afternoon stroll or leisurely ride.
Why this text is sees as literary?but why less literary than a novel passage? please help?
When YOU read the above passage, what kind of book would you expect to find it in? Why? Many novels include descriptive passages, so how is the above different? Why would it not fit in a novel?
Reply:I am simply flabergasted about this homework!!
Check here please:
Along the Wiltshire borders lie the rolling downlands of the Cranborne Chase, formerly a royal hunting ground and now a designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, offering high chalkland views, many wild flowers, birds and butterflies.
To the east and the Hampshire borders, heathlands meet the meandering Avon Valley, which forms a delightful natural boundary with the neighbouring New Forest and its woodland and ponies. Holt Heath, a National Nature Reserve, is home to rare and unusual flora and fauna such as the shy Sand Lizard and diminutive Dartford Warbler.
Across the River Stour lies the gentle clay vale and dairying country of the Blackmore Vale, much beloved of Thomas Hardy, with its patchwork fields and hidden hamlets. Beyond, and stretching right over to the coast in the far west of the county, lies the open country of the Dorset Downs, Area of Outstnding Natural Beauty.
The serene and picturesque valleys of the Rivers Stour, Allen and Crane with their tranquil water meadows and lush vegetation are particularly rich in wildlife and make the perfect setting for an afternoon stroll or leisurely ride.
Why this text is sees as literary?but why less literary than a novel passage? please help?
When YOU read the above passage, what kind of book would you expect to find it in? Why? Many novels include descriptive passages, so how is the above different? Why would it not fit in a novel?
Reply:I am simply flabergasted about this homework!!
Check here please:
wild flowers
Where can I buy silk thistle in the US?
We have been looking for a supplier of silk Thistle, Shamrocks, Heather and Gorse which all grow wild in the UK. There are numerous suppliers in the UK but the shipping rate is more than the flowers and we can't afford it.
Where can I buy silk thistle in the US?
You can buy them from
Silk thistle - http://www.amazon.com/gp/search?ie=UTF8%26amp;...
Shamrocks - http://www.amazon.com/gp/redirect.html?i...
Heather - http://www.amazon.com/gp/redirect.html?i...
Good luck!
Reply:The choices of answers were so bad I've decided never to bother asking another question. Thumbs down on actually giving me info I could us! Report It
Reply:Can you give me the latin name for silk thistle and is it in the same genus as milk thistle? what is the genus
Example Blessed thistle=Cnicus benedictus
Reply:why don't you try Joann.com and
Where can I buy silk thistle in the US?
You can buy them from
Silk thistle - http://www.amazon.com/gp/search?ie=UTF8%26amp;...
Shamrocks - http://www.amazon.com/gp/redirect.html?i...
Heather - http://www.amazon.com/gp/redirect.html?i...
Good luck!
Reply:The choices of answers were so bad I've decided never to bother asking another question. Thumbs down on actually giving me info I could us! Report It
Reply:Can you give me the latin name for silk thistle and is it in the same genus as milk thistle? what is the genus
Example Blessed thistle=Cnicus benedictus
Reply:why don't you try Joann.com and
wild flowers
Does time skipping on Animal Crossing: Wild World cause errors in the game?
I need to know if changing the dates and times on ACWW causes things like weeds, dead flowers etc.
Does time skipping on Animal Crossing: Wild World cause errors in the game?
besides lots of weeds and dead flowers, and moving neighbours, there isnt any bad side effects. but after having so many weeds they stop growing and if you are really good friends with your neighbours they wont move away. oh btw if you have any turnips, make sure you do the turnip glitch so it wont spoil if you have any turnips
Reply:yea it does make a lot of weeds and things die like flowers and trees in the game and alot of the people move away but u do get new people, but i have the game and do it all the time
Reply:Eeeds, dead flowers, and moved neighbors is just one thing that happens but they are not errors no errors should occur duiring you gameplay. Unless you are using an AR your game should be fine.
eye makeup
Does time skipping on Animal Crossing: Wild World cause errors in the game?
besides lots of weeds and dead flowers, and moving neighbours, there isnt any bad side effects. but after having so many weeds they stop growing and if you are really good friends with your neighbours they wont move away. oh btw if you have any turnips, make sure you do the turnip glitch so it wont spoil if you have any turnips
Reply:yea it does make a lot of weeds and things die like flowers and trees in the game and alot of the people move away but u do get new people, but i have the game and do it all the time
Reply:Eeeds, dead flowers, and moved neighbors is just one thing that happens but they are not errors no errors should occur duiring you gameplay. Unless you are using an AR your game should be fine.
wild flowers
Why this is seen litrary and why less litrary from a novel for e.g? please help?
Rural Dorset is an area of scenic beauty and contrast, criss-crossed by the pretty River Stour and bordered on both sides by Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
Along the Wiltshire borders lie the rolling downlands of the Cranborne Chase, formerly a royal hunting ground and now a designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, offering high chalkland views, many wild flowers, birds and butterflies.
To the east and the Hampshire borders, heathlands meet the meandering Avon Valley, which forms a delightful natural boundary with the neighbouring New Forest and its woodland and ponies. Holt Heath, a National Nature Reserve, is home to rare and unusual flora and fauna such as the shy Sand Lizard and diminutive Dartford Warbler.
Across the River Stour lies the gentle clay vale and dairying country of the Blackmore Vale, much beloved of Thomas Hardy, with its patchwork fields and hidden hamlets. Beyond, and stretching right over to the coast in the far west of the county, lies the open country of the Dorset Downs, Area of Outstnding Natural Beauty.
The serene and picturesque valleys of the Rivers Stour, Allen and Crane with their tranquil water meadows and lush vegetation are particularly rich in wildlife and make the perfect setting for an afternoon stroll or leisurely ride.
Why this is seen litrary and why less litrary from a novel for e.g? please help?
literary because of imagery, language is used descriptively and creatively: example-
"area of scenic beauty and contrast, criss-crossed by the pretty River Stour and bordered on both sides by Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty."
less literary than a novel because it is a document describing , for example, the physical location of rural Dorset.
good luck
Please rephrase.
What is literary? This text? Is it literary?
Along the Wiltshire borders lie the rolling downlands of the Cranborne Chase, formerly a royal hunting ground and now a designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, offering high chalkland views, many wild flowers, birds and butterflies.
To the east and the Hampshire borders, heathlands meet the meandering Avon Valley, which forms a delightful natural boundary with the neighbouring New Forest and its woodland and ponies. Holt Heath, a National Nature Reserve, is home to rare and unusual flora and fauna such as the shy Sand Lizard and diminutive Dartford Warbler.
Across the River Stour lies the gentle clay vale and dairying country of the Blackmore Vale, much beloved of Thomas Hardy, with its patchwork fields and hidden hamlets. Beyond, and stretching right over to the coast in the far west of the county, lies the open country of the Dorset Downs, Area of Outstnding Natural Beauty.
The serene and picturesque valleys of the Rivers Stour, Allen and Crane with their tranquil water meadows and lush vegetation are particularly rich in wildlife and make the perfect setting for an afternoon stroll or leisurely ride.
Why this is seen litrary and why less litrary from a novel for e.g? please help?
literary because of imagery, language is used descriptively and creatively: example-
"area of scenic beauty and contrast, criss-crossed by the pretty River Stour and bordered on both sides by Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty."
less literary than a novel because it is a document describing , for example, the physical location of rural Dorset.
good luck
Please rephrase.
What is literary? This text? Is it literary?
wild flowers
Does anybody know what flower this is??
its a wild flower in tucson, arizona.. it's amazing, but i have no idea what it is.. nor does the photographer. these are his observations of it.. can anybody help??
"history (observations): it grew in my yard on its own last year. it seems that only around this time of year it grows, and it has 3-4 buds where they blossom one at a time for a day each. so within a week or two it's gone until next year."
Does anybody know what flower this is??
Its an angel trumpet
Here is another picture of it:
Hope this helps.
Reply:No idea, but it's very pretty!
^^ website of Arizona wildflowers, might help you or the photographer. Not a lot of pictures of the leaves to help ID the flower on this end!
Reply:It's absolutely morning glory flower still on early stage (unopened). Because they grow wild in Arizona, online seed companies cannot ship morning glory seeds to AZ.
Morning glory flower only last for a day.
Reply:It looks like a variety of moonflower.
Reply:It kind of looks like a unopened Morning Glory
Reply:Looks like a member of the primrose family!
Reply:It really looks like a morning glory flower not opened yet.
Reply:I agree that it looks like adatura or angel trumpet.
its a wild flower in tucson, arizona.. it's amazing, but i have no idea what it is.. nor does the photographer. these are his observations of it.. can anybody help??
"history (observations): it grew in my yard on its own last year. it seems that only around this time of year it grows, and it has 3-4 buds where they blossom one at a time for a day each. so within a week or two it's gone until next year."
Does anybody know what flower this is??
Its an angel trumpet
Here is another picture of it:
Hope this helps.
Reply:No idea, but it's very pretty!
^^ website of Arizona wildflowers, might help you or the photographer. Not a lot of pictures of the leaves to help ID the flower on this end!
Reply:It's absolutely morning glory flower still on early stage (unopened). Because they grow wild in Arizona, online seed companies cannot ship morning glory seeds to AZ.
Morning glory flower only last for a day.
Reply:It looks like a variety of moonflower.
Reply:It kind of looks like a unopened Morning Glory
Reply:Looks like a member of the primrose family!
Reply:It really looks like a morning glory flower not opened yet.
Reply:I agree that it looks like adatura or angel trumpet.
wild flowers
Animal crossing wild world?
On animal crossing wild world can it snow? will the fruit stop growing? will the flowers die? can you get sick in the game? and how many people can live in your town?
Animal crossing wild world?
yes it will snow in the winter(you can change the time/ date of your ds to see)
no fruit will grow every 3 days as usual
No flowers will not die in the winter..if you keep them watered
Yes people get sick all the time you have to give them medicne for a week.
I think 8 , but im not sure
Reply:It snows around December/January time. Don't worry mind, the fruit will still grow and flowers should be ok if you water them. However some tree's get decorated with lights. You wont get sick, but other animals do. What you should do is take them medicine. Take it until they're better and you'll get a gift. If you get stung by a bee then take some medicine and the swelling will go down. About three other people can come to your town at the same time. I can't check how many people live there at once 'cause Resseti is there waiting for me. But I think about tenish.
Reply:Yes it can snow in the Winter Time.
No the fruit will never stop growing it will go back like every 3 days
The flowers will die unless you water them
No not yourself can get sick like your character but the other people in your town can get sick like the other animals.
I think about 4 can live in the same house on one card
about 8 animals can live in your town and they will eventually leave unless you are nice to them.
Reply:there are peaches, cherries, oranges, coconuts and pears. it does snow, and you cannot crossbreed fruit.
running shoes
Animal crossing wild world?
yes it will snow in the winter(you can change the time/ date of your ds to see)
no fruit will grow every 3 days as usual
No flowers will not die in the winter..if you keep them watered
Yes people get sick all the time you have to give them medicne for a week.
I think 8 , but im not sure
Reply:It snows around December/January time. Don't worry mind, the fruit will still grow and flowers should be ok if you water them. However some tree's get decorated with lights. You wont get sick, but other animals do. What you should do is take them medicine. Take it until they're better and you'll get a gift. If you get stung by a bee then take some medicine and the swelling will go down. About three other people can come to your town at the same time. I can't check how many people live there at once 'cause Resseti is there waiting for me. But I think about tenish.
Reply:Yes it can snow in the Winter Time.
No the fruit will never stop growing it will go back like every 3 days
The flowers will die unless you water them
No not yourself can get sick like your character but the other people in your town can get sick like the other animals.
I think about 4 can live in the same house on one card
about 8 animals can live in your town and they will eventually leave unless you are nice to them.
Reply:there are peaches, cherries, oranges, coconuts and pears. it does snow, and you cannot crossbreed fruit.
running shoes
wild flowers
Crabgrass invading my vast lawn??
I live on a hill, of 2 acres of land.. and I've taken great care to my lawn, b/c i did all the landscaping and planted grass seeds and all 3 years ago...
But on the left side of our lawn is still a wild grown lot with many wild flowers and grasses, and we think that they're blowing over and growing on our land...
We've gotten our grass sprayed many times for weeds and fertilized too..
But thier is still TONS of wild grasses over flowing in many places, which have been previously flawless..
My husband thinks that you need to pull the rest by hand... and I really need another solution...
please help...
Crabgrass invading my vast lawn??
For such a large area it must be fun to cultivate a healty lawn.
How high do you cut your lawn?
You can purchase a spray type of weed killer specific to kill crab grass. This stuff is design to be sprayed on the leaves of the plant and will help kill it in a few days. This is a decent short term solution as it will not prevent crab grass. Pulling them is better... but maybe your area is too large.
The real long term solution is to make sure you cut the grass high, 3 inches, allthough this seems kind of high- it is the suggested cool season grass height. This may be partly why the grass has not previously been able keep the crab grass out. (Your lawn must be high enough to crowd out invaders).
And next year- in spring before you are even thinking about crab grass... use a preemergent killer spread that is specific to crab grass. This is critical. Many weed killers do not work very well on crab grass!
The proper lawn height and a preemergent will vastly reduce your crab grass woes.
Reply:Hi THERE i work for a for a very large garden center in Canada we have many people with the same problem.If you keep your grass short many od the wild grasses will die.I don't know where you live but i think in the USA they have CRAB-EX it works on crab grasses.Or just spray the spots with round up but it will kill all grass but you can reseed in 3 days.Good luck ken
Reply:Once they have taken over, you can't do much except pull it by hand. If it's too much, wait until next year and put down Crab Grass killer in in early Spring. Nothing I know kills it after it starts growing.
But on the left side of our lawn is still a wild grown lot with many wild flowers and grasses, and we think that they're blowing over and growing on our land...
We've gotten our grass sprayed many times for weeds and fertilized too..
But thier is still TONS of wild grasses over flowing in many places, which have been previously flawless..
My husband thinks that you need to pull the rest by hand... and I really need another solution...
please help...
Crabgrass invading my vast lawn??
For such a large area it must be fun to cultivate a healty lawn.
How high do you cut your lawn?
You can purchase a spray type of weed killer specific to kill crab grass. This stuff is design to be sprayed on the leaves of the plant and will help kill it in a few days. This is a decent short term solution as it will not prevent crab grass. Pulling them is better... but maybe your area is too large.
The real long term solution is to make sure you cut the grass high, 3 inches, allthough this seems kind of high- it is the suggested cool season grass height. This may be partly why the grass has not previously been able keep the crab grass out. (Your lawn must be high enough to crowd out invaders).
And next year- in spring before you are even thinking about crab grass... use a preemergent killer spread that is specific to crab grass. This is critical. Many weed killers do not work very well on crab grass!
The proper lawn height and a preemergent will vastly reduce your crab grass woes.
Reply:Hi THERE i work for a for a very large garden center in Canada we have many people with the same problem.If you keep your grass short many od the wild grasses will die.I don't know where you live but i think in the USA they have CRAB-EX it works on crab grasses.Or just spray the spots with round up but it will kill all grass but you can reseed in 3 days.Good luck ken
Reply:Once they have taken over, you can't do much except pull it by hand. If it's too much, wait until next year and put down Crab Grass killer in in early Spring. Nothing I know kills it after it starts growing.
wild flowers
What literary devices are used in this text!?by oscar wild?
The studio was filled with the rich odour of roses, and when the light summer wind stirred amidst the trees of the garden, there came through the open door the heavy scent of the lilac, or the more delicate perfume of the pink-flowering thorn.
From the corner of the divan of Persian saddle-bags on which he was lying, smoking, as was his custom, innumerable cigarettes, Lord Henry Wotton could just catch the gleam of the honey-sweet and honey-coloured blossoms of a laburnum, whose tremulous branches seemed hardly able to bear the burden of a beauty so flame like as theirs; and now and then the fantastic shadows of birds in flight flitted across the long tussore-silk curtains that were stretched in front of the huge window, producing a kind of momentary Japanese effect, and making him think of those pallid, jade-faced painters of Tokyo who, through the medium of an art that is necessarily immobile, seek to convey the sense of swiftness and motion. The sullen murmur of the bees shouldering their way through the long unmown grass, or circling with monotonous insistence round the dusty gilt horns of the straggling woodbine, seemed to make the stillness more oppressive. The dim roar of London was like the bourdon note of a distant organ.
In the centre of the room, clamped to an upright easel, stood the full-length portrait of a young man of extraordinary personal beauty, and in front of it, some little distance away, was sitting the artist himself, Basil Hallward, whose sudden disappearance some years ago caused, at the time, such public excitement and gave rise to so many strange conjectures.
What literary devices are used in this text!?by oscar wild?
In The Picture of Dorian Gray, Lord Henry Wotton delights in transforming trite truisms into outrageous paradoxes by reversing the presuppositions on which they are based. Though Wotton never openly attacks social conventions, he exposes the hypocrisy of Victorian values by turning them upside down. Like Sir Thomas in the cited passage, many Victorian critics could not handle Wilde's paradoxical style and iconoclastic thinking. They often disparaged Wilde's style of "showy paradoxes" as a boring, mechanical trick.
'there came through the open door the heavy scent of the lilac, or the more delicate perfume of the pink-flowering thorn.'
The studio was filled with the rich odour of roses, and when the light summer wind stirred amidst the trees of the garden, there came through the open door the heavy scent of the lilac, or the more delicate perfume of the pink-flowering thorn.
Figurative language
the honey-sweet and honey-coloured blossoms of a laburnum
producing a kind of momentary Japanese effect
From the corner of the divan of Persian saddle-bags
the long tussore-silk curtains
The dim roar of London was like the bourdon note of a distant organ.
jade-faced painters of Tokyo who, through the medium of an art that is necessarily immobile, seek to convey the sense of swiftness and motion
Omniscient narrator
the overall narrator
stood the full-length portrait of a young man of extraordinary personal beauty,
sudden disappearance some years ago caused, at the time, such public excitement and gave rise to so many strange conjectures.
monotonous insistence
Good luck
everyday minerals
From the corner of the divan of Persian saddle-bags on which he was lying, smoking, as was his custom, innumerable cigarettes, Lord Henry Wotton could just catch the gleam of the honey-sweet and honey-coloured blossoms of a laburnum, whose tremulous branches seemed hardly able to bear the burden of a beauty so flame like as theirs; and now and then the fantastic shadows of birds in flight flitted across the long tussore-silk curtains that were stretched in front of the huge window, producing a kind of momentary Japanese effect, and making him think of those pallid, jade-faced painters of Tokyo who, through the medium of an art that is necessarily immobile, seek to convey the sense of swiftness and motion. The sullen murmur of the bees shouldering their way through the long unmown grass, or circling with monotonous insistence round the dusty gilt horns of the straggling woodbine, seemed to make the stillness more oppressive. The dim roar of London was like the bourdon note of a distant organ.
In the centre of the room, clamped to an upright easel, stood the full-length portrait of a young man of extraordinary personal beauty, and in front of it, some little distance away, was sitting the artist himself, Basil Hallward, whose sudden disappearance some years ago caused, at the time, such public excitement and gave rise to so many strange conjectures.
What literary devices are used in this text!?by oscar wild?
In The Picture of Dorian Gray, Lord Henry Wotton delights in transforming trite truisms into outrageous paradoxes by reversing the presuppositions on which they are based. Though Wotton never openly attacks social conventions, he exposes the hypocrisy of Victorian values by turning them upside down. Like Sir Thomas in the cited passage, many Victorian critics could not handle Wilde's paradoxical style and iconoclastic thinking. They often disparaged Wilde's style of "showy paradoxes" as a boring, mechanical trick.
'there came through the open door the heavy scent of the lilac, or the more delicate perfume of the pink-flowering thorn.'
The studio was filled with the rich odour of roses, and when the light summer wind stirred amidst the trees of the garden, there came through the open door the heavy scent of the lilac, or the more delicate perfume of the pink-flowering thorn.
Figurative language
the honey-sweet and honey-coloured blossoms of a laburnum
producing a kind of momentary Japanese effect
From the corner of the divan of Persian saddle-bags
the long tussore-silk curtains
The dim roar of London was like the bourdon note of a distant organ.
jade-faced painters of Tokyo who, through the medium of an art that is necessarily immobile, seek to convey the sense of swiftness and motion
Omniscient narrator
the overall narrator
stood the full-length portrait of a young man of extraordinary personal beauty,
sudden disappearance some years ago caused, at the time, such public excitement and gave rise to so many strange conjectures.
monotonous insistence
Good luck
wild flowers
What type of flower is this?
I was cutting this guy's lawn, and he had these white flowers that were along his fence. I asked him if could have some, and he said I could take them all if I wanted, he thought they were weeds. I guess there wild, because he certainly didn't put them there. I dug them out by the roots and put them in a couple places at my house, they are doing ok, but by next year i think they will great since there roots are big and I didn't cut them. They almost look like apple blossoms, there white and have a slight pink in them. They smell really sweet, and they are mostly 2 feet tall. They have bunches of flower on each branch, and they 5 petals. Any suggestions? What are these flowers?
ps. i don't want to waste another question, but have any of who ever grown fireweed, or had it? thanks.
What type of flower is this?
Saponaria officinalis aka Soapwort aka Bouncing Bet. RScott
Reply:I need either a picture or a much better description, i.e., how are the leaves shaped?, how is the flower shaped?, how tall is the plant? when did it bloom or where is it planted ( state or planting zone)..
Reply:RScott hit it! (so give him your vote) I'm just adding an image that really shows the plant:
Reply:I think soapwort's too tall... and it's not fragrant....
how about garden phlox?..
in white...
Reply:Add a picture? I'm not sure what they are.
Reply:Check out these flowers:
Fireweed photos:
1. http://www.bcadventure.com/adventure/wil...
2. Fireweed plant care:
ps. i don't want to waste another question, but have any of who ever grown fireweed, or had it? thanks.
What type of flower is this?
Saponaria officinalis aka Soapwort aka Bouncing Bet. RScott
Reply:I need either a picture or a much better description, i.e., how are the leaves shaped?, how is the flower shaped?, how tall is the plant? when did it bloom or where is it planted ( state or planting zone)..
Reply:RScott hit it! (so give him your vote) I'm just adding an image that really shows the plant:
Reply:I think soapwort's too tall... and it's not fragrant....
how about garden phlox?..
in white...
Reply:Add a picture? I'm not sure what they are.
Reply:Check out these flowers:
Fireweed photos:
1. http://www.bcadventure.com/adventure/wil...
2. Fireweed plant care:
wild flowers
What type of rug and which color would you pick for this room?
It's pretty funny because we are both artist but can't seem to agree on a rug. My living room is bubble gum pink, yes and extremely wild color. My sofa is a sage or dull fern green. My coffee table is dark walnut. What color rug would you place in this room? My FI was looking at a sage color rug with modern flowers on it my only problem is that it doesn't have any pink in it. We are aguring if the rug need pink in it to match. I found a dark sage rug with light pink accents but I am afraid it's tooo dark. What do you think I should aim for- a darker green then sofa or a lighter green?
Any adivce would greatly help. And NO I will not change the color of my walls, I love my Barbie on Crack PINK color!!
What type of rug and which color would you pick for this room?
Try IKEA.com for fun funky-colored and **inexpensive** rugs. I am in favor of not "matching" the other colors in your room at all. Go a shade up or down from your pinks and greens and add a third or fourth additional color just to add interest. I think a chocolate brown or even a deep violet would be an extremely modern touch and would add additional whimsey to the room. You could also do red or a wine color to make the pink more vivid. If pink is the dominant color in your room, then you should be choosing contrasting hues to play it up more. Remember that adding more colors will allow you to choose more interesting accessories and will give you somewhere to go if you decide to decorate an adjoining room. How about 2 overlapping smaller rugs that don't match at all? I love your color choices, by the way. They are very sophisticated and soothing.
My living room colors are pink, burgandy, black, and gold--all extremely modern pieces and sleek dark woods except for my rug--which is an antique flowered Oriental. I think it works great.
Reply:Perhaps you could post a couple of pics? It's difficult to decide without seeing it. I personally would vote for the darker rug, probably.
Reply:I have seen many rugs with modern patterns on them that include all the colors you want. Go on line and check out Home Decoraters. They have many rugs that will fit your needs. I don't have a catalog here to give you the exact address as I gave my last one away. The people I gave it to, like you, were having trouble finding the exact rug they wanted but did in that catalog. Try looking there.
Reply:You could choose a natural color rug
Reply:I like his choice.
Reply:this one is cute.........shabby chic look!!
Reply:Maybe a brown? Something chocolately or even walnuty!
Reply:I would use a cream colored flokati rug for this room I would also find a way to introduce more of the sage in the room, but in a lighter sage than the couch. Keep the pink walls, they are probably very striking.
Reply:go with a cream color background %26amp; look for the accent colors you like.
Help for melasma
Any adivce would greatly help. And NO I will not change the color of my walls, I love my Barbie on Crack PINK color!!
What type of rug and which color would you pick for this room?
Try IKEA.com for fun funky-colored and **inexpensive** rugs. I am in favor of not "matching" the other colors in your room at all. Go a shade up or down from your pinks and greens and add a third or fourth additional color just to add interest. I think a chocolate brown or even a deep violet would be an extremely modern touch and would add additional whimsey to the room. You could also do red or a wine color to make the pink more vivid. If pink is the dominant color in your room, then you should be choosing contrasting hues to play it up more. Remember that adding more colors will allow you to choose more interesting accessories and will give you somewhere to go if you decide to decorate an adjoining room. How about 2 overlapping smaller rugs that don't match at all? I love your color choices, by the way. They are very sophisticated and soothing.
My living room colors are pink, burgandy, black, and gold--all extremely modern pieces and sleek dark woods except for my rug--which is an antique flowered Oriental. I think it works great.
Reply:Perhaps you could post a couple of pics? It's difficult to decide without seeing it. I personally would vote for the darker rug, probably.
Reply:I have seen many rugs with modern patterns on them that include all the colors you want. Go on line and check out Home Decoraters. They have many rugs that will fit your needs. I don't have a catalog here to give you the exact address as I gave my last one away. The people I gave it to, like you, were having trouble finding the exact rug they wanted but did in that catalog. Try looking there.
Reply:You could choose a natural color rug
Reply:I like his choice.
Reply:this one is cute.........shabby chic look!!
Reply:Maybe a brown? Something chocolately or even walnuty!
Reply:I would use a cream colored flokati rug for this room I would also find a way to introduce more of the sage in the room, but in a lighter sage than the couch. Keep the pink walls, they are probably very striking.
Reply:go with a cream color background %26amp; look for the accent colors you like.
Help for melasma
wild flowers
How do i get a perfect status for my animal crossing town?
I have animal crossing wild world and i have been trying to get the Jacob's ladder. But I can't get my town to the perfect status.
Do i need more trees or more flowers than trees?
Please help
Thanks :D
How do i get a perfect status for my animal crossing town?
Every weed must be gone. Something like 50 trees and maybe 70 flowers.
Try making sure they are all healthy and then try to get it
Reply:Go to the Post Office and ask Pelly or the other mean girl about the Enviroment and she will tell you what to do.But you have to have alot of trees and flowers planted.Check out http://www.gamefaq.com for more details
Do i need more trees or more flowers than trees?
Please help
Thanks :D
How do i get a perfect status for my animal crossing town?
Every weed must be gone. Something like 50 trees and maybe 70 flowers.
Try making sure they are all healthy and then try to get it
Reply:Go to the Post Office and ask Pelly or the other mean girl about the Enviroment and she will tell you what to do.But you have to have alot of trees and flowers planted.Check out http://www.gamefaq.com for more details
wild flowers
Why is that some birds sing all night long ??
Last night this bird stared to sing about 12:02 am it lasted till now day time ...... allthe other birds stared to follow him on this party going they had , I love animals and wild and flowers, birds al that stuff but i thought it was only a day time thing i was not able to sleep at all . Not one can call for bird disturbance lol
this is real !!!
Why is that some birds sing all night long ??
This site explains why the birds sing at night, and what to do about it.
Their solution is: "In the evening, when birds are going to their nighttime roosts, create enough disturbance to discourage the bird from using that site. Close windows and turn on air conditioner and/or radio to drown out bird sound."
I would suggest waiting until nesting season is over before you try to discourage birds from their regular roosting area, so they don't abandon their nests. Also, in the US, it is illegal to harrass native migratory birds, so you want to be careful about that one. I would go with closing the window and putting on the AC.
Reply:somewhere I read that birds are singing because of noise.
I have a killdeer that I hear; but I think that it's because their nesting area is on the ground and they are warding off predators.
Reply:Northern Mockingbirds sing throughout the night. Male Rose-breasted grosbeaks Sing on their nest ALL night long and ALL day long.
this is real !!!
Why is that some birds sing all night long ??
This site explains why the birds sing at night, and what to do about it.
Their solution is: "In the evening, when birds are going to their nighttime roosts, create enough disturbance to discourage the bird from using that site. Close windows and turn on air conditioner and/or radio to drown out bird sound."
I would suggest waiting until nesting season is over before you try to discourage birds from their regular roosting area, so they don't abandon their nests. Also, in the US, it is illegal to harrass native migratory birds, so you want to be careful about that one. I would go with closing the window and putting on the AC.
Reply:somewhere I read that birds are singing because of noise.
I have a killdeer that I hear; but I think that it's because their nesting area is on the ground and they are warding off predators.
Reply:Northern Mockingbirds sing throughout the night. Male Rose-breasted grosbeaks Sing on their nest ALL night long and ALL day long.
wild flowers
Is it too late to plant a passion flower?
I live in east Tennessee. I was walking along the side of the road last year and saw the passion flower in full bloom. With it being at the beginning of spring is it too late to try to dig some up. And will it come up this year.They seem to be growing wild around here.
Is it too late to plant a passion flower?
You do not have to dig them up..simply take a bunch of 10 or 12 inch long cuttings off of it...Take the cuttings..slice under a node at an angle..dip it in water..then dip it in "root harmone" and plant it where you want it to grow..I do them like this as well as morning glory's...
Late spring is the best time to take cuttings...being still cold coming in..you can start them inside in a common glass of water..use well water or distilled water to do this..if you have city water..fill a jug up the night before and let it set out to let the chlorine "gas out of it"...Root harmone is available at wal mart or any place that has a garden center for about 3 dollars a small jar..
Reply:It's fine to plant a Passion Flower in spring, and if you buy pot grown ones, then you're mostly fine for much of the year, as long as there is no frost and you water afterwards in dry weather.
They're not expensive, so it could be worth a trip to the garden nursery, as they will have a range of varieties, suited to growing in your area. There are creams, pinks, purples, as well as the more traditional cream and blue Passiflora cerulea, which is generally considered the most hardy of the species. http://www.floridata.com/ref/P/pass_cae....
This variety can withstand winter freezes, and is attractive with purple flowers:http://www.floridata.com/ref/P/passiflo....
Hope this helps. Good luck! Rob
Is it too late to plant a passion flower?
You do not have to dig them up..simply take a bunch of 10 or 12 inch long cuttings off of it...Take the cuttings..slice under a node at an angle..dip it in water..then dip it in "root harmone" and plant it where you want it to grow..I do them like this as well as morning glory's...
Late spring is the best time to take cuttings...being still cold coming in..you can start them inside in a common glass of water..use well water or distilled water to do this..if you have city water..fill a jug up the night before and let it set out to let the chlorine "gas out of it"...Root harmone is available at wal mart or any place that has a garden center for about 3 dollars a small jar..
Reply:It's fine to plant a Passion Flower in spring, and if you buy pot grown ones, then you're mostly fine for much of the year, as long as there is no frost and you water afterwards in dry weather.
They're not expensive, so it could be worth a trip to the garden nursery, as they will have a range of varieties, suited to growing in your area. There are creams, pinks, purples, as well as the more traditional cream and blue Passiflora cerulea, which is generally considered the most hardy of the species. http://www.floridata.com/ref/P/pass_cae....
This variety can withstand winter freezes, and is attractive with purple flowers:http://www.floridata.com/ref/P/passiflo....
Hope this helps. Good luck! Rob
wild flowers
What is the legal way to deal with nuisance wildlife?
I've seen a number of questions where people have squirrels or bats in their attics, or deer eating their flowers, or geese polluting their lakes, or coyotes threatening their pets. The answers on this subject run the gamut. Some people say to just shoot it, to trap it and relocate it, to poison it, etc. And some people say you need permits to kill or trap/relocate wild animals that are damaging your property or threatening your safety. What's the legal way to deal with nuisance wildlife?
What is the legal way to deal with nuisance wildlife?
It is my understanding that lethal methods of wildlife control, as well as live-trapping/relocating require special permits, either from the US Fish and Wildlife Service, or the state DNR.
I have found the laws of some states, and they seem to validate this.
"Under Current Oklahoma State Law, wildlife rehabilitators cannot trap and relocate nusence wildlife unless they carry a trapping permit, which most of us do not. We recommend Ted Corbin with Animal Relocators of Tulsa at 918)446-0541 for humane trapping and relocation."
"Any person desiring to control Protected Species which are causing damage to
property or a risk to human health or safety on the land of another, at no charge, must
first obtain a valid Class B Nuisance Wildlife Control Permit from the Department.
Not-for-profit (501(c)(3)) zoos and botanical gardens desiring to control protected
species that are causing damage to property or are a risk to human health or safety on
lands owned by that entity must first obtain a valid Class B Nuisance Wildlife
Control Permit from the Department. Control of white-tailed deer and migratory,
threatened, or endangered species is prohibited except as provided for in Section
525.30(h). Unlawful taking of white-tailed deer is a Class B misdemeanor (see 520
ILCS 5/2.24), as is unlawful taking of an endangered species (see 520 ILCS 5/2.18).
Unlawful taking of migratory birds is a Class B misdemeanor (see 520 ILCS 10/9)."
"The Nuisance Wildlife Information Line (NWIL) enables
homeowners to receive guidance on nuisance, injured, or sick
wildlife. This service is provided jointly by the Maryland
Department of Natural Resources (DNR), Wildlife and
Heritage Services, and the United States Department of
Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service,
Wildlife Services Program (USDA-APHIS). The NWIL offers
safe and legal ways to deal with problem animals. Call toll free at 1-877-463-6497 M-F from 8 a.m. to noon and 1 to 5
p.m. Permits to control nuisance wildlife can be issued over
the phone on a case by case basis."
However, since I was unable to verify laws for all states, it is best if you contact your state DNR to clarify the laws of your state as they pertain to your situation.
Reply:That really depends on where you are. most places require that wildlife only be removed by a person or company that have the proper permits. These wildlife trappers can be found in the yellow pages. Your best bet would be to contact a humane society in your area and ask them. They usually have good resources for that.
Reply:You should contact your local SPCA or Fish and Wildlife (or equivalent) regarding the laws on the matter. And, yes, in most cases a permit is required for trapping/relocating/possessing/selling wildlife animals.
riding boots
What is the legal way to deal with nuisance wildlife?
It is my understanding that lethal methods of wildlife control, as well as live-trapping/relocating require special permits, either from the US Fish and Wildlife Service, or the state DNR.
I have found the laws of some states, and they seem to validate this.
"Under Current Oklahoma State Law, wildlife rehabilitators cannot trap and relocate nusence wildlife unless they carry a trapping permit, which most of us do not. We recommend Ted Corbin with Animal Relocators of Tulsa at 918)446-0541 for humane trapping and relocation."
"Any person desiring to control Protected Species which are causing damage to
property or a risk to human health or safety on the land of another, at no charge, must
first obtain a valid Class B Nuisance Wildlife Control Permit from the Department.
Not-for-profit (501(c)(3)) zoos and botanical gardens desiring to control protected
species that are causing damage to property or are a risk to human health or safety on
lands owned by that entity must first obtain a valid Class B Nuisance Wildlife
Control Permit from the Department. Control of white-tailed deer and migratory,
threatened, or endangered species is prohibited except as provided for in Section
525.30(h). Unlawful taking of white-tailed deer is a Class B misdemeanor (see 520
ILCS 5/2.24), as is unlawful taking of an endangered species (see 520 ILCS 5/2.18).
Unlawful taking of migratory birds is a Class B misdemeanor (see 520 ILCS 10/9)."
"The Nuisance Wildlife Information Line (NWIL) enables
homeowners to receive guidance on nuisance, injured, or sick
wildlife. This service is provided jointly by the Maryland
Department of Natural Resources (DNR), Wildlife and
Heritage Services, and the United States Department of
Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service,
Wildlife Services Program (USDA-APHIS). The NWIL offers
safe and legal ways to deal with problem animals. Call toll free at 1-877-463-6497 M-F from 8 a.m. to noon and 1 to 5
p.m. Permits to control nuisance wildlife can be issued over
the phone on a case by case basis."
However, since I was unable to verify laws for all states, it is best if you contact your state DNR to clarify the laws of your state as they pertain to your situation.
Reply:That really depends on where you are. most places require that wildlife only be removed by a person or company that have the proper permits. These wildlife trappers can be found in the yellow pages. Your best bet would be to contact a humane society in your area and ask them. They usually have good resources for that.
Reply:You should contact your local SPCA or Fish and Wildlife (or equivalent) regarding the laws on the matter. And, yes, in most cases a permit is required for trapping/relocating/possessing/selling wildlife animals.
riding boots
wild flowers
Fence as focal point?
I've just installed a split rail fence (two posts, two horizontal rails, two slanting finish rails at each end) at the top side of a hill in front of our home, closer to the home then the property line. We plan on planting wild flowers from the fence down to the property line. My partner is conserned that the fence looks like it's in the wrong place as she feels that fences should be only used for the division of properties and potetial buyers would see it as a property line. is she right?
Fence as focal point?
An elderly neighbor has a small section of fencing that is purely decorative in effect. It's used as a focal point like you are considering. It backs his flower beds, and he has something blooming against it for all seasons so it doesn't ever sit barren (except for during winter). Particularly nice are the large canes of wild roses and the vining clematis that actually twine around the fence. While large beds of wildflowers are lovely, from my experience you will have barren periods in the spring before they bloom, and in late fall when everything dies back and you have dried stalks. It might be nice to have some spring bulbs and maybe some fall mums to stretch the season, or some everbearing roses or decorative colored foliage. If you do the wildflowers, make sure to shake out the seeds at the end of the season so they reseed themselves for the following year.
Reply:Thank you all for your answers, the issue still isn't solved, but I'm thinking in the spring with the wild flowers, her opinion will be resolved closer to mine. But that's ok, as it's a running joke in our home now anyway. Report It
Reply:No. You can use many things to decorate. Sounds like a great focal point and should be beautiful with the wild flowers. Don't decorate like everyone else--be creative. I've done somethings at my present house that people just don't do and everyone laughed. I look around now and everyone is copying me. What a compliment!
My latest plan-I bought an 18' above ground pool for my enjoyment but need to put a small fence around it for insurance purposes. I'm going to use stock panel 16' x 4.5 feet-heavy metal rods that make about 5" sturdy squares. I'm going to use landscaping timbers for posts and overgrow it with butterfly vines-a dark green vine with yellow flowers. When the seed pods form they dry into brown butterflies-some African Iris with yellow flowers and a touch of lavender. I need to find something lavender and it should be beautiful. Can't wait for it to warm up a bit.
Reply:Fences make a good focal point as you say, that's what we've done and, as a filler. You can plant vines and flowers from there.
Reply:Nothing wrong with the fence.
Just keep in mind, most wild flowers only bloom a short period of time, and look pretty sad after that. If you are in a rural setting, no problem.
Consider a variety of rose that is adapted to your area, and let them grow wild. Please do at least 15 minutes of research, or you will have years of headaches to come.
Never forget the old stand by, a few 500 to 1000 Lb boulders add a nice visual impact.
Fence as focal point?
An elderly neighbor has a small section of fencing that is purely decorative in effect. It's used as a focal point like you are considering. It backs his flower beds, and he has something blooming against it for all seasons so it doesn't ever sit barren (except for during winter). Particularly nice are the large canes of wild roses and the vining clematis that actually twine around the fence. While large beds of wildflowers are lovely, from my experience you will have barren periods in the spring before they bloom, and in late fall when everything dies back and you have dried stalks. It might be nice to have some spring bulbs and maybe some fall mums to stretch the season, or some everbearing roses or decorative colored foliage. If you do the wildflowers, make sure to shake out the seeds at the end of the season so they reseed themselves for the following year.
Reply:Thank you all for your answers, the issue still isn't solved, but I'm thinking in the spring with the wild flowers, her opinion will be resolved closer to mine. But that's ok, as it's a running joke in our home now anyway. Report It
Reply:No. You can use many things to decorate. Sounds like a great focal point and should be beautiful with the wild flowers. Don't decorate like everyone else--be creative. I've done somethings at my present house that people just don't do and everyone laughed. I look around now and everyone is copying me. What a compliment!
My latest plan-I bought an 18' above ground pool for my enjoyment but need to put a small fence around it for insurance purposes. I'm going to use stock panel 16' x 4.5 feet-heavy metal rods that make about 5" sturdy squares. I'm going to use landscaping timbers for posts and overgrow it with butterfly vines-a dark green vine with yellow flowers. When the seed pods form they dry into brown butterflies-some African Iris with yellow flowers and a touch of lavender. I need to find something lavender and it should be beautiful. Can't wait for it to warm up a bit.
Reply:Fences make a good focal point as you say, that's what we've done and, as a filler. You can plant vines and flowers from there.
Reply:Nothing wrong with the fence.
Just keep in mind, most wild flowers only bloom a short period of time, and look pretty sad after that. If you are in a rural setting, no problem.
Consider a variety of rose that is adapted to your area, and let them grow wild. Please do at least 15 minutes of research, or you will have years of headaches to come.
Never forget the old stand by, a few 500 to 1000 Lb boulders add a nice visual impact.
wild flowers
Cheats.. for the animal crossing wild world for the DS?
does anyone know any good cheats for the animal crossing wild world......... also i have got a red flower like thing on the floor in the game and its surrounded by flies what is it and how do i get rid of it .... nook doesnt pay much for the flys
Cheats.. for the animal crossing wild world for the DS?
umm the flower thing is called a weed killer it means youve got too many weeds in your town and you can get rid of it by pulling out all of your weeds
(ps ok this is a really cool cheat for animal crossing. it will get lots of weeds but its well worth it!
step 1) earn 100,000 bells
step 2)Then change the date on your ds to the year 2000
step3)Turn On animal crossing, save and turn off
step4) Change the date on your ds to the year 2002
step 5)Go Into animal crossing and collect your mail
At first you will get a letter saying you have got 13,000 bells in interest but before long you will be getting letters saying you have got 99,999 bells
Reply:that flower means your town is bad, u can't ever get rid of it, the only way u could was 2 kill it be4 it was full growen by digging it up, if u get the red thing it means u weren't takin care of your town very well, but yeah your stuck with it now
Cheats.. for the animal crossing wild world for the DS?
umm the flower thing is called a weed killer it means youve got too many weeds in your town and you can get rid of it by pulling out all of your weeds
(ps ok this is a really cool cheat for animal crossing. it will get lots of weeds but its well worth it!
step 1) earn 100,000 bells
step 2)Then change the date on your ds to the year 2000
step3)Turn On animal crossing, save and turn off
step4) Change the date on your ds to the year 2002
step 5)Go Into animal crossing and collect your mail
At first you will get a letter saying you have got 13,000 bells in interest but before long you will be getting letters saying you have got 99,999 bells
Reply:that flower means your town is bad, u can't ever get rid of it, the only way u could was 2 kill it be4 it was full growen by digging it up, if u get the red thing it means u weren't takin care of your town very well, but yeah your stuck with it now
wild flowers
What is this plant with bells hanging from it?
There is a plant in the edge of my woods that I'm sure no one planted there. It must be some wild shrub but I'm not sure what it is. I live in the NE corner of Mississippi. The size and leaves look very similar to a crape myrtle but today I noticed it has several clusters of small, white, bell-shaped flowers hanging from it. Anybody have an idea of what this might be? Thanks!
What is this plant with bells hanging from it?
Did a little searching. I think it might be a maleberry, Lyonia ligustrina.
What is this plant with bells hanging from it?
Did a little searching. I think it might be a maleberry, Lyonia ligustrina.
wild flowers
Does you cat like flowers?
My cat loves carnations, they drive him wild. I will quite ofter find him with his whole face pressed down into the vase. He won't leave them alone until he has broken off a head and then plays with it for hours.
What is your cats favourite flower?
Does you cat like flowers?
My cat likes flowers, but he prefers straws.
Reply:My cat, baby, loves any flower that smells good. She spends her time sitting next to the pots of flower in my garden
Reply:they like the smell its kind of like cat nip to them.
family nannyeye creams
What is your cats favourite flower?
Does you cat like flowers?
My cat likes flowers, but he prefers straws.
Reply:My cat, baby, loves any flower that smells good. She spends her time sitting next to the pots of flower in my garden
Reply:they like the smell its kind of like cat nip to them.
family nanny
wild flowers
Is there a connection between spirituality and nature?
I wanted to share this piece which illuminates the intimate connection between humanity and nature.
The slow dance gives birth, reflecting nature’s metamorphosis;
The eternal flow designating this timeless moment as her own.
Arise, oh Prince, reach out and embrace your beloved,
And walk together, hand in hand, amidst the celebration.
Tomorrow is forever today - look towards the horizon and see
The rainbow colours, translucent, illuminating life’s response.
The temporal rain washes anew; naked together the couple stand,
Warmed by the reflected sun and filled with the hope of Summer.
The Princess arises and spreads her arms in eternal joy,
For this is her time of expansion beyond the walls of death.
Now! she calls; now! For this is the time of my conception,
From which all creation and knowing grows in natures womb.
The bed becomes the meadow filled with wild flowers,
Together they consummate the longing of ages, and from here
They touch the unity once reflected only dimly in Fall’s promise,
And the long Winter becomes now only a distant memory.
Together, the couple stand under the bough of the ageing oak,
Seeing the shading colours as new promise of life and beauty.
The changing Seasons can no longer bring despair of descent.
A new song reverberates - sweeping away the falling leaves,
Revealing a harmonious path through the once darkened woods.
With one voice they shout out the luminescence of their love;
The dragon hears this echo and retreats to eternal hibernation,
And nature’s unity triumphs over this temporal and fearful world.
The Princess lays her head upon her Prince’s chest, unafraid
By the setting sun, and the bareness of the Kingdom outside
The separation no longer beats as growing fear within her heart,
Nor does she feel the pervading pinch of pain of seasons past.
For now she lives in a world beyond nature’s icicle taunts,
And dampness no longer gnaws at the colours of her spirit.
She lies forever protected and secure in the arms of love,
And life’s circle heralds with joy the rebirth of her own Spring.
Is there a connection between spirituality and nature?
Very beautiful piece. It made my morning, and I thank you for that. I like spring. Jen
Reply:Absolutely, We are connected to the earth ashes to ashes
dust to dust, The circle of the seasons are a metaphor to
human life Etc. Three songs come to mind, "Sunrise Sunset"
"September Song" "Will the circle Be Unbroken" There is
much poetry written of the connection, and I do believe we all feel the connection, I certainly do. Blessings
Reply:Yes unlike religion there is a connection between spirituality and nature.
Love and blessings Don
Reply:GOD and nature are one in the same.
There is nothing that is not god, no place where GOD is not.
All That IS, IS.
How can something that is created not be part of the Creator?
Wonderful writing, thank you for sharing,
Reply:There is no connection between "spirituality" and nature.
TRUE spirituality has to do with listening to what God has SAID (yes, He HAS said something to us) and choosing to take Him at His Word. That is biblical FAITH, and all else is nothing but " vain superstition."
"they became foolish by worshipping the creation rather than the CREATOR."
Reply:Without nature there wouldn't be spirituality. Without life there wouldn't be nurturing, and that is spirituality. Without mind there couldn't exist a knowing/God connection, and that is spirituality and possible spirituality expanded logarithmically.
Reply:For many people the word pantheism might best describes the category we humans seem to have a ‘natural’ desire or perhaps even need to categorize. The one definition I am referring to is, “A doctrine identifying the Deity with the universe and its phenomena.” This is the ‘God’ Spinoza was referring to and the ‘God’ in which Einstein claimed to believe in. This is not a personal God such as described in any of the Abrahamic religions for example. This is not a God who listens to and answers prayers, or concerns ‘itself’ in any way with the affairs of humans or any other form of life. This is just another word for nature and the universe with all of the things contained within which we as people become so attached to and yet so detached from. Spirituality for me is when I am able to connect with this magnificent and unexplainable energy and become aware of my mortality and become one with this experience. Those experiences are all too rare for me and others who spend most of their lives just trying to survive from day to day and help and protect our friends and loved ones. It goes by fast. The spiritual moments for me are too few and far between to make the struggle honestly worth the effort, but I can’t give up. I refuse to give up. And, I hope to find the time someday to pursue those spiritual experiences that are so awesome. You can experience a deep spirituality without believing in the tenets of any man made religion or personal God and for me it is at those rare moments when I can meditate to the point of actually feeling a ‘oneness with nature’ which coincides with a hyperawareness of being alive and in the moment.
Reply:How can there not be a connection??? God created nature. He created everything. If we are not in tune with the physical home he gave us, which we are NOT, things go awry. Look around you! We're destroying the earth GOD gave us. The idea that God does not want us to "worship" it is saying that only God is to be "worshipped". But, we must care for nature and love it for the gift it is from God!
Reply:Many years ago, long before any history books, or just books in general, people all over the world worshiped nature. Looked to nature to guide them and found their spiritual connection through nature. Nature was the provider, the teacher and counsel.
Humanity as a whole has been steered away from that thinking and connection.
I have experienced spiritual moments with nature and have make requests from nature and they have been granted.
I am a Pantheist so I find what you posted was very nice. Was it something you found or something you wrote?
Reply:Very wonderful piece, for me when I look over the land or when the sun hits the mountains just right, leaves twirling on a tree from a slight summer breeze, and many more examples,
i feel our creators presence in everything he has created,and when we give thanks to our creator it is for the things that has been created for us and I think the piece that you have shared with us reflects the connection,Thank you.
The slow dance gives birth, reflecting nature’s metamorphosis;
The eternal flow designating this timeless moment as her own.
Arise, oh Prince, reach out and embrace your beloved,
And walk together, hand in hand, amidst the celebration.
Tomorrow is forever today - look towards the horizon and see
The rainbow colours, translucent, illuminating life’s response.
The temporal rain washes anew; naked together the couple stand,
Warmed by the reflected sun and filled with the hope of Summer.
The Princess arises and spreads her arms in eternal joy,
For this is her time of expansion beyond the walls of death.
Now! she calls; now! For this is the time of my conception,
From which all creation and knowing grows in natures womb.
The bed becomes the meadow filled with wild flowers,
Together they consummate the longing of ages, and from here
They touch the unity once reflected only dimly in Fall’s promise,
And the long Winter becomes now only a distant memory.
Together, the couple stand under the bough of the ageing oak,
Seeing the shading colours as new promise of life and beauty.
The changing Seasons can no longer bring despair of descent.
A new song reverberates - sweeping away the falling leaves,
Revealing a harmonious path through the once darkened woods.
With one voice they shout out the luminescence of their love;
The dragon hears this echo and retreats to eternal hibernation,
And nature’s unity triumphs over this temporal and fearful world.
The Princess lays her head upon her Prince’s chest, unafraid
By the setting sun, and the bareness of the Kingdom outside
The separation no longer beats as growing fear within her heart,
Nor does she feel the pervading pinch of pain of seasons past.
For now she lives in a world beyond nature’s icicle taunts,
And dampness no longer gnaws at the colours of her spirit.
She lies forever protected and secure in the arms of love,
And life’s circle heralds with joy the rebirth of her own Spring.
Is there a connection between spirituality and nature?
Very beautiful piece. It made my morning, and I thank you for that. I like spring. Jen
Reply:Absolutely, We are connected to the earth ashes to ashes
dust to dust, The circle of the seasons are a metaphor to
human life Etc. Three songs come to mind, "Sunrise Sunset"
"September Song" "Will the circle Be Unbroken" There is
much poetry written of the connection, and I do believe we all feel the connection, I certainly do. Blessings
Reply:Yes unlike religion there is a connection between spirituality and nature.
Love and blessings Don
Reply:GOD and nature are one in the same.
There is nothing that is not god, no place where GOD is not.
All That IS, IS.
How can something that is created not be part of the Creator?
Wonderful writing, thank you for sharing,
Reply:There is no connection between "spirituality" and nature.
TRUE spirituality has to do with listening to what God has SAID (yes, He HAS said something to us) and choosing to take Him at His Word. That is biblical FAITH, and all else is nothing but " vain superstition."
"they became foolish by worshipping the creation rather than the CREATOR."
Reply:Without nature there wouldn't be spirituality. Without life there wouldn't be nurturing, and that is spirituality. Without mind there couldn't exist a knowing/God connection, and that is spirituality and possible spirituality expanded logarithmically.
Reply:For many people the word pantheism might best describes the category we humans seem to have a ‘natural’ desire or perhaps even need to categorize. The one definition I am referring to is, “A doctrine identifying the Deity with the universe and its phenomena.” This is the ‘God’ Spinoza was referring to and the ‘God’ in which Einstein claimed to believe in. This is not a personal God such as described in any of the Abrahamic religions for example. This is not a God who listens to and answers prayers, or concerns ‘itself’ in any way with the affairs of humans or any other form of life. This is just another word for nature and the universe with all of the things contained within which we as people become so attached to and yet so detached from. Spirituality for me is when I am able to connect with this magnificent and unexplainable energy and become aware of my mortality and become one with this experience. Those experiences are all too rare for me and others who spend most of their lives just trying to survive from day to day and help and protect our friends and loved ones. It goes by fast. The spiritual moments for me are too few and far between to make the struggle honestly worth the effort, but I can’t give up. I refuse to give up. And, I hope to find the time someday to pursue those spiritual experiences that are so awesome. You can experience a deep spirituality without believing in the tenets of any man made religion or personal God and for me it is at those rare moments when I can meditate to the point of actually feeling a ‘oneness with nature’ which coincides with a hyperawareness of being alive and in the moment.
Reply:How can there not be a connection??? God created nature. He created everything. If we are not in tune with the physical home he gave us, which we are NOT, things go awry. Look around you! We're destroying the earth GOD gave us. The idea that God does not want us to "worship" it is saying that only God is to be "worshipped". But, we must care for nature and love it for the gift it is from God!
Reply:Many years ago, long before any history books, or just books in general, people all over the world worshiped nature. Looked to nature to guide them and found their spiritual connection through nature. Nature was the provider, the teacher and counsel.
Humanity as a whole has been steered away from that thinking and connection.
I have experienced spiritual moments with nature and have make requests from nature and they have been granted.
I am a Pantheist so I find what you posted was very nice. Was it something you found or something you wrote?
Reply:Very wonderful piece, for me when I look over the land or when the sun hits the mountains just right, leaves twirling on a tree from a slight summer breeze, and many more examples,
i feel our creators presence in everything he has created,and when we give thanks to our creator it is for the things that has been created for us and I think the piece that you have shared with us reflects the connection,Thank you.
wild flowers
What can you pick and eat from the Hedgerows at the sides of country lanes or even some Roads and fields.?
Water cress is one I know of, found in streams, What does Wild Garlic look like? Different types of Herbs, Plants, Flowers, Berries, Fruits, Vegetables not common, etc!!
What can you pick and eat from the Hedgerows at the sides of country lanes or even some Roads and fields.?
Try to get hold of a book called 'Food For Free'
Reply:You would need to get a good clear book of pictures of plants and compare. Or hike with a botanist. It would be impossible for someone to say this and that is good because it all depends on where, when, and if it was sprayed. Blackberries would be my guess but I doubt anyone has those prickly things near a lane or road.
Reply:Your nose ?
Reply:You can tell wild garlic from its strong smell - it looks a bit like an onion plant. Rose hips can be used to make rose hip syrup, sloes to make sloe gin, chestnuts are nice roasted, crab apples can be used to make jelly - there are lots of good things in the countryside, but I would echo the previous advice - get a good book or someone who knows to help you identify them correctly before you eat! P.S. - In the UK you can pick blackberries in Autumn from beside public footpaths, away from the road - no-one will complain, and they won't be contaminated by fumes.
Reply:Provided you can identify plants, vegetables and fruits of all kinds, it is possible to pick just about anything you want. However, it's best to make certain you are not trespassing on private property. And remember, highway and road easements belong to the federal government, state, county or city. Unless it's your property, it may not be legal to pick anything.
Reply:I wouldn't pick and eat without washing!!
Sounds like you need a good ID book.
Reply:Assuming you are in the UK, then right now you could be out picking blackberries, damsons and elderberries.
I was doing it this week and have just finished making loads of hedgerow jam.
In the spring you can gather elder flowers and make cordial.
Wild garlic is around in the spring as well.
Here is a link to some images of wild garlic.
Reply:i am not sure but never pick from the road side as the exhaust fumes could contaminate.
Reply:Got winkles and mussels down the beach today.On the walk
home.I picked half a tesco bag of blackberrys.You can pick
leaves all along our paths.
Reply:Richard Mabey and Jonathan Hilton both have books called something like 'Food for Free', they're available from Amazon and give illustrations and descriptions of wayside food.
The best things at the moment (UK) are blackberries, elderberries and in a couple of weeks when there's been a frost: sloes.
Good luck!
Reply:There are lots of things you can pick and eat, like someone suggested try getting a book or researching it further on the internet.
Things I can think of would be blackberries, raspberries, wild strawberries, bluelberries, mint, parsely and garlic.
Reply:Hours chestnuts to Cook on the firer on bonfire night 5th Nov
Reply:maccedees probably
What can you pick and eat from the Hedgerows at the sides of country lanes or even some Roads and fields.?
Try to get hold of a book called 'Food For Free'
Reply:You would need to get a good clear book of pictures of plants and compare. Or hike with a botanist. It would be impossible for someone to say this and that is good because it all depends on where, when, and if it was sprayed. Blackberries would be my guess but I doubt anyone has those prickly things near a lane or road.
Reply:Your nose ?
Reply:You can tell wild garlic from its strong smell - it looks a bit like an onion plant. Rose hips can be used to make rose hip syrup, sloes to make sloe gin, chestnuts are nice roasted, crab apples can be used to make jelly - there are lots of good things in the countryside, but I would echo the previous advice - get a good book or someone who knows to help you identify them correctly before you eat! P.S. - In the UK you can pick blackberries in Autumn from beside public footpaths, away from the road - no-one will complain, and they won't be contaminated by fumes.
Reply:Provided you can identify plants, vegetables and fruits of all kinds, it is possible to pick just about anything you want. However, it's best to make certain you are not trespassing on private property. And remember, highway and road easements belong to the federal government, state, county or city. Unless it's your property, it may not be legal to pick anything.
Reply:I wouldn't pick and eat without washing!!
Sounds like you need a good ID book.
Reply:Assuming you are in the UK, then right now you could be out picking blackberries, damsons and elderberries.
I was doing it this week and have just finished making loads of hedgerow jam.
In the spring you can gather elder flowers and make cordial.
Wild garlic is around in the spring as well.
Here is a link to some images of wild garlic.
Reply:i am not sure but never pick from the road side as the exhaust fumes could contaminate.
Reply:Got winkles and mussels down the beach today.On the walk
home.I picked half a tesco bag of blackberrys.You can pick
leaves all along our paths.
Reply:Richard Mabey and Jonathan Hilton both have books called something like 'Food for Free', they're available from Amazon and give illustrations and descriptions of wayside food.
The best things at the moment (UK) are blackberries, elderberries and in a couple of weeks when there's been a frost: sloes.
Good luck!
Reply:There are lots of things you can pick and eat, like someone suggested try getting a book or researching it further on the internet.
Things I can think of would be blackberries, raspberries, wild strawberries, bluelberries, mint, parsely and garlic.
Reply:Hours chestnuts to Cook on the firer on bonfire night 5th Nov
Reply:maccedees probably
wild flowers
What is the legal way to deal with nuisance wildlife?
I've seen a number of questions where people have squirrels or bats in their attics, or deer eating their flowers, or geese polluting their lakes, or coyotes threatening their pets. The answers on this subject run the gamut. Some people say to just shoot it, to trap it and relocate it, to poison it, etc. And some people say you need permits to kill or trap/relocate wild animals that are damaging your property or threatening your safety. What's the legal way to deal with nuisance wildlife?
What is the legal way to deal with nuisance wildlife?
It is my understanding that lethal methods of wildlife control, as well as live-trapping/relocating require special permits, either from the US Fish and Wildlife Service, or the state DNR.
I have found the laws of some states, and they seem to validate this.
"Under Current Oklahoma State Law, wildlife rehabilitators cannot trap and relocate nusence wildlife unless they carry a trapping permit, which most of us do not. We recommend Ted Corbin with Animal Relocators of Tulsa at 918)446-0541 for humane trapping and relocation." http://www.homestead.com/wildheartranch/...
"Any person desiring to control Protected Species which are causing damage to
property or a risk to human health or safety on the land of another, at no charge, must
first obtain a valid Class B Nuisance Wildlife Control Permit from the Department.
Not-for-profit (501(c)(3)) zoos and botanical gardens desiring to control protected
species that are causing damage to property or are a risk to human health or safety on
lands owned by that entity must first obtain a valid Class B Nuisance Wildlife
Control Permit from the Department. Control of white-tailed deer and migratory,
threatened, or endangered species is prohibited except as provided for in Section
525.30(h). Unlawful taking of white-tailed deer is a Class B misdemeanor (see 520
ILCS 5/2.24), as is unlawful taking of an endangered species (see 520 ILCS 5/2.18).
Unlawful taking of migratory birds is a Class B misdemeanor (see 520 ILCS 10/9)."
"The Nuisance Wildlife Information Line (NWIL) enables
homeowners to receive guidance on nuisance, injured, or sick
wildlife. This service is provided jointly by the Maryland
Department of Natural Resources (DNR), Wildlife and
Heritage Services, and the United States Department of
Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service,
Wildlife Services Program (USDA-APHIS). The NWIL offers
safe and legal ways to deal with problem animals. Call toll free at 1-877-463-6497 M-F from 8 a.m. to noon and 1 to 5
p.m. Permits to control nuisance wildlife can be issued over
the phone on a case by case basis." http://www.hgic.umd.edu/_media/documents...
However, since I was unable to verify laws for all states, it is best if you contact your state DNR to clarify the laws of your state as they pertain to your situation.
Reply:Depends on the animal and the state you live in. Go to a search engine, for example: nuissance alligator florida, would have taken you to the Florida Wildlife Commission and the telephone number for a licensed trapper.
Reply:It really depends on the animal and situation. More or less though there are humane methods to deal with any "problem" wildlife. That is not to say that at times the only choice is death but mainly there are a million and one other ways.
If you ever have questions about what you can do not only within the means of the law but safe things, the best resource is your local fish and wildlife enforcement. Also there are many pest control companies out there that are more than willing to help with questions.
Nonetheless as to your last question about being legal, you are always allowed to remove wildlife from your home. However there are laws that prevent the killing of some species. If the animal is not in your house but on your property anything natural is within the means of the law. For example if you have geese in your pond it is within the means of the law to put up a fence, stick decoys in the water or around the edge, etc, etc etc.
For the most part anything that does not harm the animal.
Reply:It depends on the species of wildlife and the state and local laws. For most species in most areas you can kill it IF you can show proof that that individual animal is or was destroying your property and causing you financial loss. This is not the case for a few species considered protected. In those cases local or federal authorities are required to pay you for the damage to your property. Who has to pay depends on who enacts the law prohibiting the animals destruction.
As for relocating the animal that too could fall under harassment if the animal is of the protected kind and if not you could still get big fines if caught transporting or confining wildlife without the proper permit.
In short check with your local conservation or wildlife department for rules concerning the animal in question. What I want to make clear is that no one can ask a single person to bear the brunt of wildlife damage. If the public wants one animal protected when it is damaging someones property then the public has to provide compensation. Otherwise what we get is landowners resenting wildlife and simply destroying their habitat to reduce their numbers. This is REALLY BAD since the vast majority of wildlife habitat resides on PRIVATE lands.
What is the legal way to deal with nuisance wildlife?
It is my understanding that lethal methods of wildlife control, as well as live-trapping/relocating require special permits, either from the US Fish and Wildlife Service, or the state DNR.
I have found the laws of some states, and they seem to validate this.
"Under Current Oklahoma State Law, wildlife rehabilitators cannot trap and relocate nusence wildlife unless they carry a trapping permit, which most of us do not. We recommend Ted Corbin with Animal Relocators of Tulsa at 918)446-0541 for humane trapping and relocation." http://www.homestead.com/wildheartranch/...
"Any person desiring to control Protected Species which are causing damage to
property or a risk to human health or safety on the land of another, at no charge, must
first obtain a valid Class B Nuisance Wildlife Control Permit from the Department.
Not-for-profit (501(c)(3)) zoos and botanical gardens desiring to control protected
species that are causing damage to property or are a risk to human health or safety on
lands owned by that entity must first obtain a valid Class B Nuisance Wildlife
Control Permit from the Department. Control of white-tailed deer and migratory,
threatened, or endangered species is prohibited except as provided for in Section
525.30(h). Unlawful taking of white-tailed deer is a Class B misdemeanor (see 520
ILCS 5/2.24), as is unlawful taking of an endangered species (see 520 ILCS 5/2.18).
Unlawful taking of migratory birds is a Class B misdemeanor (see 520 ILCS 10/9)."
"The Nuisance Wildlife Information Line (NWIL) enables
homeowners to receive guidance on nuisance, injured, or sick
wildlife. This service is provided jointly by the Maryland
Department of Natural Resources (DNR), Wildlife and
Heritage Services, and the United States Department of
Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service,
Wildlife Services Program (USDA-APHIS). The NWIL offers
safe and legal ways to deal with problem animals. Call toll free at 1-877-463-6497 M-F from 8 a.m. to noon and 1 to 5
p.m. Permits to control nuisance wildlife can be issued over
the phone on a case by case basis." http://www.hgic.umd.edu/_media/documents...
However, since I was unable to verify laws for all states, it is best if you contact your state DNR to clarify the laws of your state as they pertain to your situation.
Reply:Depends on the animal and the state you live in. Go to a search engine, for example: nuissance alligator florida, would have taken you to the Florida Wildlife Commission and the telephone number for a licensed trapper.
Reply:It really depends on the animal and situation. More or less though there are humane methods to deal with any "problem" wildlife. That is not to say that at times the only choice is death but mainly there are a million and one other ways.
If you ever have questions about what you can do not only within the means of the law but safe things, the best resource is your local fish and wildlife enforcement. Also there are many pest control companies out there that are more than willing to help with questions.
Nonetheless as to your last question about being legal, you are always allowed to remove wildlife from your home. However there are laws that prevent the killing of some species. If the animal is not in your house but on your property anything natural is within the means of the law. For example if you have geese in your pond it is within the means of the law to put up a fence, stick decoys in the water or around the edge, etc, etc etc.
For the most part anything that does not harm the animal.
Reply:It depends on the species of wildlife and the state and local laws. For most species in most areas you can kill it IF you can show proof that that individual animal is or was destroying your property and causing you financial loss. This is not the case for a few species considered protected. In those cases local or federal authorities are required to pay you for the damage to your property. Who has to pay depends on who enacts the law prohibiting the animals destruction.
As for relocating the animal that too could fall under harassment if the animal is of the protected kind and if not you could still get big fines if caught transporting or confining wildlife without the proper permit.
In short check with your local conservation or wildlife department for rules concerning the animal in question. What I want to make clear is that no one can ask a single person to bear the brunt of wildlife damage. If the public wants one animal protected when it is damaging someones property then the public has to provide compensation. Otherwise what we get is landowners resenting wildlife and simply destroying their habitat to reduce their numbers. This is REALLY BAD since the vast majority of wildlife habitat resides on PRIVATE lands.
wild flowers
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